Chapter 12

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  Disclaimer: Assassination Classroom is the property of Yusei Matsui. I do not own anything but my oc Akane Iroha. I will mostly be referring to the manga throughout the entire story. So, if you haven't read it, there will be major spoilers. Please enjoy.

Chapter 12- Transfer Student Time, Incredulity Time, Having a Rough Time, and A Time of Connections

Great, we'll be having another new student who will probably be just as destructive as the last one. I don't wanna deal with more shit!!

I leaned over Karasuma's shoulder to see the email that he got from Headquarters.

'The second 'transfer student' will be placed in the class. The long waited insertion is 'the most likely to be successful. There is no need to work out the small details beforehand. Follow all the attendant's wishes.'

Karasuma typed in a quick response, 'Understood.'

I huffed in annoyance, "Geez, I have a feeling this one is gonna be worse than Ritsu was."

"Yeah, me too. We'll just have to wait and see. Anyways, you're back on octopus-watching duty, so get to it." Karasuma ruffled my hair and I quickly ran out, "Yeah, ok! Don't mess up my hair!"

I walked into the classroom, "Good morning Akane-san/chan."

I waved boredly as I walked over and plopped into my chair.

"Karasuma-sensei has told all of you that there's a new transfer student coming, right?"

Maehara leaned his face onto his hand, "Oh yeah. Well, it's really just an assassin, though."

Korosensei walked towards Ritsu, "When Ritsu-san first came, I underestimated her a bit and had a dreadful experience, so this time, i'll be on my guard. In any case, i'm truly happy that your number of comrades-in-arms is increasing."

Sumire looked back at Ritsu, "Come to think of it, do you know anything about them, Ritsu? As a fellow assassin transfer student, I mean?"

Ritsu smiled, "Yes. A little. In my initial orders...he and I were scheduled to enter this class simultaneously. By combining my long-range shooting with his close-quarters combat, we would drive Korosensei into a corner. However, those orders were cancelled for 2 reasons. Firstly, his adjustments took longer than expected. And secondly, I was an overwhelmingly inferior assassin compared to him. My abilities...are insufficient to serve as his support. And so, I learned that we would each commence an assassination separately, and I, who was significantly inferior, was shipped off first."

I became alert when the door slammed open and a mysterious fog slid into the room. A man wearing all white that covered his body. I stiffened as he held out his arm. A dove appeared in his hand causing me to blink in confusion. The man shoved the dove in his sleeve, "Sorry, I must have frightened you. I, however, am not the transfer student."

I sweatdropped as the man emitted an extremely friendly and cheerful aura.

"I am his guardian. Well, i'm dressed entirely in white, so just call me Shiro."

I reeled back in shock when I saw Korosensei hiding in a corner on the ceiling.

"Why the hell are you so scared, Korosensei!? And enough to use your secret liquification skill!!"

Korosensei had a dumb look on his face, "W-well...what Ritsu-san said was so frightening, so...nice to meet you, Shiro-san. And what of the transfer student himself?"

I saw Karasuma through the window, looking a bit unnerved by Shiro, which instantly caused me to feel the same. 'If he's freaked out by this guy, then I should be wary of him.'

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