Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: Assassination Classroom is the property of Yusei Matsui. I do not own anything but my oc Akane Iroha. I will mostly be referring to the manga throughout the entire story. So, if you haven't read it, there will be major spoilers. Please enjoy.

Chapter 8- Traveling Time and Ruined Time

Field trips. Always fun, always an opportune moment for assassination. And Kyoto too. A wonderful time for me to spend time with Kara- I mean, the students. Yeah, the students. Nervous laugh.

The children looked so excited, they were getting ready and choosing groups for the trip. However.....

"Sheesh. You've practically just began your time as 3rd years, and yet at a time like this...supervising a field trip, how ridiculous. Sensei isn't particularly interested at all." I looked at his huge bag, dumbfounded, "Yeah right. You're totally enjoying this. You're bag is filled with things you don't even need."

Korosensei grinned and blushed, "I've been found out. Frankly, i'm looking forward to going on a trip with you all, so I can't help being excited." I pumped my fist into the air, "Me too. I can't wait to make memories with my babies!" I clapped my hands together with a blush. The students sweatdropped at me.

I sat myself on a lounging chair close to the students as Karasuma told them the plans for Kyoto, "As you are all aware, we have a trip to Kyoto next week. I don't want to hinder your full enjoyment, but your mission will extend itself here to."

I clapped my hands together to gain attention, "The vast difference between Kyoto and the classroom complicates matters. Still, the layout is ideal for snipers. The government has already made arrangements with some professional snipers. If successful, the 10 billion will be split up between the contributors. Specifically, the group that Korosensei would be with at the time. We'll leave the routing in your hands."

"Hey Karasuma, what are we gonna do in Kyoto??"

Karasuma looked through some paperwork as he answered, "We'll be keeping track of the snipers and the students."

A brick spelling out the letters 'rejected' fell onto my heads, 'Karasuma, you are such a dense bastard!'

Irina walked in to see me on the floor with a depressed demeanor, "What's up with you?" I looked at her with tears in my eyes, "I've been ignored for work." Karasuma looked at me in confusion and Irina shook her head at him, immediately realizing what happened.

"I guess i'll go take watch over the octopus...oh yeah, will I be watching him in Kyoto too??" Karasuma nodded at me. 'Dammit. I really hate that octopus right now.'

Korosensei handed a huge textbook to each of the students, "This is a school trip guidebook. It is an illustrated guide I created last night of all the sightseeing spots, the top 100 most popular souvenirs, and basic to advanced self-defence techniques for traveling."

"Generally, you could get there in a minute, right?"

"Of course. Still, there is a difference between going there and going on a trip. I look forward to being there with everyone. I am happy that I can travel there with all of you."

Korosensei looked at me with an excited blush, " And Akane-chan. I found a few places you would like. There are a lot of good antique shops and cafes there!"

I hmphed and looked away with crossed arms. Korosensei looked startled at my attitude while the students sweatdropped.

"What's up with her?"

Korosensei flashed next to me, "What's wrong Akane-chan?! Did I do something wrong?"

I gave him a death glare that made him hide and cry, "Yes."

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