Chapter 22

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Disclaimer: Assassination Classroom is the property of Yusei Matsui. I do not own anything but my oc Akane Iroha. I will mostly be referring to the manga throughout the entire story. So, if you haven't read it, there will be major spoilers. Please enjoy.

Chapter 22- Nauseous Time, Spin Time, and Name Time

I feel so much sympathy for Itona's situation. I honestly just want to hug him, but I can tell that it wouldn't be very wise at this point in time. So, i'll just settle for imagining it.

We all decided to follow Terasaka as he and his group took Itona. 'I wonder if Terasaka really has a plan....'

My thoughts were answered when Terasaka turned to look at his group with the dumbest face, "Whadda we do now?"

His group began yelling at him. "You didn't think about it at all?!"

"You really don't think ahead, do you?!"

I quietly sighed. 'My goodness. I sort of regret letting Terasaka take Itona, now.'

I turned to Korosensei and my children, "I'll be heading back to relay this report to Karasuma, now."

Karma smirked devilishly, "Are you sure talking is the only thing that'll happen?"

I blushed and smacked him lightly on the head, "Yes, i'm sure! Get that thought out of your mind!"

Karma stared innocently, "Geez Akane-san, get your head out of the gutter. I was just talking about you guys eating together, or something else."

"Gah! You're infuriating!"

I stormed off.

When I had gotten far enough away, I pulled out my cellphone and dialed a number.


"Hey. Some things have changed over here..."

I walked into the classroom the next day and saw Itona. I blanched for a bit before squealing and running to hug him. I rubbed my face against his, "Awww! You're so adorable! Gah!"

I felt someone grab me by the back of my collar and start dragging me. I glanced back and saw Karasuma.

"Kara-chan! I just wanted to show him my motherly love! Are you jealous?!~"

Karasuma had an irk mark and dropped me just outside of the faculty room. I quickly picked myself up off the ground and joined him and Irina.

"Hi Irina." Irina waved at me boredly.

A few hours later, Korosensei dropped by with a few papers.

"I spent all of yesterday giving Itona quizzes to test his academic skills, and his intelligence level was rather high!! There are areas where he is behind from not attending school, but with this, he should be able to catch up by the end of the second semester."

Karasuma looked a bit surprised, "That's unexpected. I didn't sense a high level of intelligence from him when he was waving his tentacles around."

"Most likely, that, was due to his tentacles. Because most of your energy is absorbed by the tentacles, it's likely that his human abilities were considerably reduced. I suspect it's been exposed, my vital point."

I sat up in my seat, looking at Korosensei with worry.

"Now that he's seems the assassination attempts will become more and more enjoyable."

I subconsciously began biting my thumb. 'Of course, I already knew all about this weak point, that's exactly why I kept it a secret. Although I need to kill him, I can't. He's important to me, a brother of sorts. This fact makes it even harder for me to see the assassination attempts from the children. What if I-'

A hand patting my thigh snapped me out of my thoughts. Karasuma looked at me, "Come on. It's time for you to go home for the day."

I nodded, "Right. I'll see you tomorrow."

I looked at Kimura, trying not to laugh as he told us that his real name was 'Justice.' Kayano looked extremely shocked, "J-Justice?! I totally thought it was 'Masayoshi!'"

Kimura leaned back, "Everyone reads it as 'Masayoshi' out of warrior's compassion. I even asked Korosensei to call me that, too. I hate the thought of being publicly executed again during the graduating ceremony. My parents always smack me and say, 'How dare you complain about the name we gave you?!' I bet they didn't even bother to think about how much their kid would be picked on during school."

Kirara walked up, "That's how parents are. They call me 'Kirara', even with this face. 'Kirara!!' Do I look like a 'Kirara'? Even though my mother's head is full of fairy tales...if she doesn't like something, she immediately gets hysterical, and has screaming fits. Growing up in that household, there's no way I could grow up to be cute like my name."

Karma came up behind them, "That must be rough, having such weird names. I actually like my name."

Next was Korosensei, "Sensei, has grievance with his name as well."

Kimura sweatdropped, "But you like yours, don't you Korosensei? It's the name that Kayano gave you."

Korosensei glared, "I have grievance because I like it. As of yet, there are about 2 people, that refuse to call me by that name. When Karasuma-sensei calls me, it's 'hey' or 'you.' We're not some middle-aged couple you know."

I hugged Karasuma possessively and glared at Korosensei. Yada called out, "Then how about we call each other by code names instead? We'll pick a new name for everyone. You know, the hitmen on the southern island, they didn't use their real names either. Wouldn't it seem kinda like we're hitmen, and be kinda cool?"

Karasuma, Irina, and I deadpanned at Korosensei's response, "I see, that sounds good. Even those 2 hardheads and Akane-chan should be used to calling people by nicknames. Besides, everyone can train their naming sense for when they become a parent. Let's do this. Everyone will each write a code name suggestion for the whole group. From those, Sensei will pull one out at random, and that will be your code name for the day. Also, for the whole day, using your real names is prohibited."

I sat with Korosensei in the classroom, eating a bowl of noodles, "Ko-chan, what's my codename?"

Korosensei looked at a paper and laughed, "Very befitting. Your code name is, 'Mamma Bear.'"

I blinked a few times before crying.

"Ack! Mamma Bear, why are you crying?! Are you ok?!"

I pumped my fist in the air, "Of course i'm ok! I've been recognized as mother!! My life is complete!"

"If only Karasuma would propose to you, then everything would be complete."

I squealed and blushed, "Shhhhhhhhh! Ko-chan! Don't say things like that!"

Korosensei began laughing deviously. I didn't see the sign on the back of his head that said, 'Setup Time.'

Today was just another very eventful day. I feel like Ko-chan is being weird again, but maybe it's just his face. Oh well.


Next Time!: Athletic Festival Time, Tactics Time, Leaders Time, and Defeat Time!

AN: I feel like this chapter was a bit boring, but oh well! I'm happy and life is awesome, so woo! Anyways, give me feedback!

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