Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- Fundamentals and Karma's Time

A new day, a new job. I now had to help Karasuma teach and I have to watch that stupid octopus. I could already hear the complaints flying out of my mouth.

Korosensei was wearing the stereotypical PE teacher outfit with the exemption of pants and he held a flower with his tentacle, "Shouts resounding across the sports grounds on a sunny afternoon. How peaceful. Or it would be, if the students didn't have weapons..."

I nodded, "I couldn't agree more. It's kind of scary how motivated they are." I looked to my right at Karasuma who seemed to be oddly enjoying this despite his stern expression.

"Swing your knives through eight strikes without hesitation! No matter how you stand, don't lose your balance!" Karasuma crossed his arms and looked at Korosensei, "I thought I told you to go somewhere else during this time. From today onward, I am in charge of P.E. Even if I drive you away, it won't do any good. Go play in that sandbox over there."

Korosensei pushed sand together into a dome as comical tears ran down his face. I patted his back as he whined, "You're cruel, Karasuma-sa...Karasuma-sensei. My gym class is popular with the students, too."

I walked over to Karasuma and crossed my arms, waiting for instruction.

"Alright, since the target's gone, let's continue class."

Maehara walked up, "But Karasuma-sensei, is there a reason for this sort of practice? And on top of that, doing it with the target himself right in front of us..."

Karasuma looked at him blankly, "Studying and assassination are the same. Their usefulness is determined by learning the fundamentals. For example... alright, Isogai, Maehara, try attacking me with those knives."

Maehara seemed reluctant, "Eh...are you sure? Either of us?"

Karasuma loosened his tie a bit before responding, "Those knives won't cause any harm to humans. If you so much as graze me, then we'll end class for today." Maehara advanced forward with his knife raised. Karasuma continuously dodged both of the boys attacks flawlessly. I've always enjoyed watching him fight, it made me feel grateful that I get to serve by his side. 'Geez, i'm so weird.' I shook my head.

Karasuma mocked the boys as they stumbled around, "Well then, with this low level of skill, even I can handle your amateur knife work."

The boys looked about ready to kill him as they shouted in sync. Karasuma caught both of their arms and flipped them over with ease. "You understand that if you can't hit me, then the probability of success against his Mach 20 is low." He pointed behind us at the octopus who still sat in the sandbox. "Take a look! While we're working on offense and defence, that guy has constructed Osaka castle in the sandbox and, on top of that, changed his clothes and is even drinking tea."

I gaped at Korosensei despite my knowledge of his advanced skills. 'What the hell even???'

Karasuma looked angrily at him before pulling the boys up to their feet, "If everyone in the class reaches a level where they can hit me, then at least the rate of success in your assassinations will increase. There are many fundamentals necessary for assassination, like knives and shooting. During PE, I will teach them to you. Akane!"

I jumped back a bit in shock, "Ye-yes? What is it?" Karasuma stayed silent for a second and rolled up his sleeves, "Come at me." The class, along with me, was a bit shocked at his request. "May I ask why?" An irk mark appeared on his forehead, "Just do it."

I took the knife from my pocket and lunged at him. He dodged, as expected. 'His left side is weaker than his right. So, I just have to take him off-guard.' I aimed a kick at his head, but he blocked with his right arm. I smirked and used my momentum to swing my leg back and hit his arm lightly with the knife. "Gotcha!"

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