Chapter Nine

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I woke up at the crack of dawn as per usual and found my school clothes folded and piled neatly on an antique chest that sat at the foot of the bed. I slipped into my clothes and ducked into the small bathroom that adjoined to the guest room I had just spent the night in. 

On the counter there was a brand new toothbrush, still in it's original packaging, a small tube of toothpaste  and a hair brush waiting for me. Underneath those things was a single sheet of paper. I reached down and grabbed the sheet of paper, messing up the precise placing of the objects that had rested on it.


I'm sorry about what I did last night, I hope you can forgive me. For whatever reason, I have a hard time composing myself around you. I think it was best if we didn't do these study sessions at my house from now on.


I raised my eyebrows at the letter. I woudn't accept his apology unless he verbally apologized to my face. I was as old fashioned as my grandmother I guess but that was the way I was taught. Though I did appreciate the effort, I still threw the sheet of thick paper in the garbage and went about brushing my hair and teeth and washing my face.

Once that was done, I made my way through the maze of a house and finally found myself out the front door. The man who drove us stood leaning against his black car smoking a long, thin cigarette. "January?' He asked but I was sure it was rhetorical.


"Kevin asked me to drive you to school this morning, please get into the car." He opened the door for me and I quickly got in, not used to being in a vehicle and having the door held open for me. What an age we live in, huh?

 The drive felt shorter than when I did it with Kevin and somehow a lot more depressing. I hadn't liked him for long but I did like him, Kevin treated me disrespectfully and I wasn't going to put up with it; and I was definitely not going to forgive him until he groveled at my feet and apologized.

I smiled at the thought of that, a spoiled rich brat begging me for forgiveness, treating me like I wasn't expendable. I really did like that idea. Like it would ever happen. The car stopped as that final thought wound it's way through my head and the door opened only moments later. I thanked the driver and headed back up that same stone pathway that I'd be taking for a year.

The sun shone brightly at my back as I walked, passing other students who'd also arrived early. I got strange looks from them as I continued on, trying to ignore them. I wondered what their problem was and then it hit me. The blue rose around my neck; I forgot to button my ivory coat up enough to hide it and quickly adjusted it so it was hidden.

"January!" An enthusiastic male voice called out my name.

"Jake..." I'd nearly forgotten about him. "H-hey."

I watched him run towards me, his brown hair caught in the golden sunlight and shone a little red. "I came to see when you're free." His nearly lavender eyes were on mine like big puppy eyes. His cheeks were a little pink from running.

"Right," I said, trying to think quickly. I did say that I would go on a date with him, even if it was to get him out of my hair. "I'm free on the... On Friday. You can take me out after school on Friday. Okay?"

Jake smiled, his perfect white teeth dazzling as he wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my hair. "I'm so happy," he said, his voice a little muffled. "Thank you so much."

I smiled in spite of myself. It was nice to have someone around who not only enjoyed my company but was a little more innocent than the guys that I had to have around. "Alright, so that's it?"

"Well, I was wondering if you would have lunch with me today too." Jake said, finally pulling himself off of me. "You'll have the whole Sutherland experience. I've had a very large meal prepared for the both of us."

"Sure." I smiled. There was something about Jake that made it so I couldn't say no to him. 

"I'm glad to hear it!" He shouted, placing a long, slender hand on top of my head and patting it gently. I felt a little like a dog. "I'll see you in class!" He shouted over his shoulder as he jogged away.

I watched him go. 'What is it with him and running?' I wondered.

My attention was quickly turned to getting to my locker and then to class. I had enough of all this craziness. I dragged my tired ass to my class room and sat down at my desk. Obviously I didn't get much sleep last night. I'm prone to over-thinking things and that's exactly what I was doing at that moment. 'Why would Kevin do that?' Why did Kevin sneak into my room last night?' 'What would Kevin have done if I didn't wake up last night?' The list of questions went on and on. Questions I knew I was not going to get answers to.

The class began, the murmuring of students and the aggressive tone of my teacher were all background noise to my reflection of last night. The other thing that confused me was Darren, last night Darren was there for me even though he got angry at me and then kissed me. But was the kiss a bad thing? I couldn't figure it out, I was completely confused. It was like Darren was written in French and I was the one chosen to translate him. There was no way that I could do it.

I saw Tracey giving me confused looks. She was wondering what I was thinking no doubt and there was absolutely no way that I could tell her what was going on right now. I don't think she'd even believe me if I told her that I've been kissed by both Darren and Kevin of The Rose Boys. I think they'd institutionalize me.

My head seemed to be as confused as my heart. My eyes watched the clock tick down until Lunch, I didn't feel like having Lunch with Jake but I had already said that I would do it. I was obligated to do so. I turned to look behind me and Jake waved eagerly, only two rows left of me and three seats back. 

The bell rang and I swear, before the bell stopped he was at my side. "All you have to do is follow me." Jake said with a grin. 

I nodded and we set off through the halls. "Do you mind if I stop at my locker to put my stuff away?" I asked.

"Not at all." Jake said.

We veered off and headed towards my locker. Jake gaped when I opened up the little door to my locker room. "What?" I asked.

"Why is your locker in here?" He asked as we stepped into the small room and I fiddled with the lock of my locker door.

"Dunno, because they put me here." I answered.

Jake's pretty eyes were wide. "I can't believe there are lockers in a place like this."

"I guess this is where they put all the poor kids. Out of sight out of mind, right?" 

Jake looked over at me sadly. "You're poor, January?" He sounded like he was going to cry.

"Oh, that's not what I meant..." I said, trying to get out of the awkward position I'd put myself into.

"If you need help, I can help you, it's not a problem." Jake said, stepping closer to me. 

"God, not you too." I muttered. "Look, I'm fine. It's cool." I threw my binder into my locker and closed the door. "Now let's eat, okay?" 

Jake nodded. "Sure."

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