Chapter Five

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As I walked through the dense trees, I glanced down at my watch I received as a gift from my parents one Christmas long ago. It let me know that there was only five minutes left until classes started. 

With all these new developments, I knew that I would not be able to concentrate in class. I made an executive decision and ran further into the thick, green growth until I could no longer see that large building looming over me like a weight; letting me know that I was doing something bad. 

I walked along a well worn path, the grass had been pushed down into the ground. My black outdoor shoes thudded against the hard, dull earth. I briefly wondered exactly how many people had walked this very path but those thoughts lead on to thoughts about The Rose Boys and why they wanted me to help them study. Without thinking, I reached over and touched the rose on the bracelet that Darren had left me with. I made sure that it was covered by my sleeve, almost ashamed to be wearing something worth more than my house. I had no idea how much longer I was going to hide it from my parents or what I was going to say when they did finally see it.

It's a little too nice looking to pass for cheap jewelery from the dollar store. 

I noticed an ivory blazer between the trees, not far from me. As I got closer, I began to hear voices. They were guys that went to my school. For whatever reason, I ducked and hid behind a tree so the two boys couldn't see me.

"What was her name again?" I heard one ask. I peered around the tree nearly invisible to them, but I could see what they  were doing.

"Jenny? Jennifer?" The blond boy said, searching for the name in question. His dark eyes were raised up to the sky in thought. There were two of them, standing in a small clearing smoking cigarettes. I knew that they were banned from the school grounds but I guess nobody really came this far. The blond one was handsome in a dangerous kind of way. His jaw was angular and smooth, his lip had a piercing though it. He took a drag from his cigarette and closed his eyes, blowing out a lungful of light grey smoke. "January." I could feel the conviction in his voice. That was my name.

"That's it." Said the other boy loudly. He had chestnut hair, cut close to his head and matching eyes. He flicked ash off of his cigarette and shook his head. "Why is she so special though?"

The blond laughed. It was a cold, cruel sound. "She's at war with The Rose Boys." 

The brunette widened his eyes, his chubby face full of surprise. "How do you know?"

"I have my sources." He shrugged, bringing the foul smelling death-stick to his lips.

"Well, what are you planning to do with the information?" 

The blond grinned. "Whatever the hell I want."

I moved back behind the tree to hide, my heart pounding in my chest like a timpani. 'I have to get out of here.' I thought to myself. 

Bent over, I walked awkwardly away. I was trying to be stealthy. Their laughter stopped and the woods went into an eerie silence. For whatever reason, the quiet made me feel like I had to leave faster, which caused me to step onto a dry twig. The snapping sound seemed to reverberate not only in my head, but throughout the space around me as well.

 Their laughter stopped and the forest was suddenly engulfed in an eerie silence. For whatever reason, I felt that the silence made me have to move out of there faster. Which, of course, made me step onto a sharp sounding twig. The snap seemed to reverberate not only in my head, but through the entire space as well.

I froze, hoping that they hadn't heard it. My hopes were dashed in an instant.

"I see you." It was the Blond. "Turn around."

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