Chapter 16 | Just Trying To Figure Her Out

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Frustrated at myself, I tried to focus on the deep thrumming rumble of the bike's engine and let it's constant humming sound calm my raging tumult of emotions.

Finally when I had mustered up enough courage to divert my attention from Dylan and to ignore the fear of falling, did I slowly pull my arms away from his torso and spread them out like a baby bird carefully spreading out its tiny little wings for the first time. I let my arms stretch as far as they would go and threw my head backwards letting the cool breeze hit my face.

Tugging at my tightly bound hair, I slipped the rubber band out and shook my head smiling as the warm scent of the sunny afternoon tingled my senses, warming up my body.

Despite it being a relatively sunny weather, the Californian breeze was cool and sweet. My hair tickled my neck, flying around as gusts of wind messed up its usual orderliness and in that moment I truly felt I was flying and soaring high above the clouds like a free bird who has just realised the potential it's wings have, the little wings which can lead it to the ultimate destination called freedom and to that exhilarating sensation where there's nobody but one and one's thoughts.


"Where are you taking me?" I asked wearily. Even to my own ears, I was beginning to sound like stuck record.

Dylan had his hands wrapped around my eyes and seemed to be leading me through somewhere that sounded like a very noisy street. Surprisingly enough, I never bumped into anyone even though I was practically blind considering how determined Dylan was to not let me see a thing before we actually got to where he wanted to take me.

"We're almost there, cara." He chuckled every time I tried to open my mouth to argue and coaxed me in a tone that was awfully similar to the persuading tone he used to calm Valerie whenever she was throwing a temper-tantrum.

Just who did he think I was? A kid whom he could cajole with sweet words?

We finally stopped and Dylan whispered in my ear, the sudden proximity sending a shaft of blinding electricity ripping through my body. "Should I remove my hands?" His voice was soft and I grabbed his hands with mine, eager to get them off my face.

"Yes, please." I murmured.

"Awh no, I'll have to since you're being so polite...or you'll think I'm a jerk again." Dylan commented, pretending to be gravely disappointed but I could hear the fondness in his voice...or it was perhaps just my delusional brain playing tricks on me.

"You're going to love this, Princess." He added and I could feel my curiosity rising.

"Just let me see already." I whined, fidgeting. I was getting excited now and even Dylan's suppressed laughter behind my back couldn't dampen my excitement.

"Ok, as you wish." Dylan removed his hands and I was stunned at the scene before me.

It was a street carnival.

There were lights and festoons everywhere. People moved leisurely enjoying themselves and preppy music played in the centre of the street square. Shops that had everything-from cute little mementos to sophisticated, high end designer gift items-surrounded the square that was bustling with people, dancing in bright, colourful costumes. I giggled and sidestepped as a beautiful woman wearing a ridiculously large and blingy green headdress made of glittery faux feathers danced her way towards us and threw me a dramatic fly kiss before shimmying right past Dylan and I to merge with other similarly dressed people.

I was liking it here...hell, I was loving it here. I never could have imagined even in the wildest of my dreams that such a thing could exist here in California and that I of all people would get to witness it alongside Dylan.

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