Chapter 30. Part II

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"Whatever, this is the bullshit we always went through and why we have the relationship we do," I mumbled to her as I leaned against the wall.

"Ava, watch yo' mouth," She warned me as she used a tool to lift up the wooden floors and grabbed the duffel bags of money and cocaine tossing them to the side as I leaned down grabbing two.

"No, that's wrong you was going to go down there and not tell any of us and I was going to be looking like a damn fool if I didn't bring this up," I snapped throwing the bag to the side as she stood up.

"Whatever Ava, you're being a cry baby for no reason. Do what you want to do, people said I held you back and now I'm trying to let you be free and I'm still the bad guy." She huffed as I scrunched my face up looking at her like she was crazy.

"After, this night you ain't gotta worry about me," I gritted not caring anymore, I was fed up with the way she made her decisions.

"Fine by me," 

That was the last word she said to me before she walked over grabbing two suitcases to begin to put the money in while, I took hand fulls of money and began to count them and place them into a separate pile.

The whole entire process while we was doing this was filled with tension and pure silence but I honestly didn't care anymore.


Finally, finishing loading the guns and getting the money bagged up, it  was finally hitting 9 o'clock and was ready to get this night over with and everybody mind was all over the place but we all were trying to hold our composure.

Placing one of the duffel bags that were filled with guns into the trunk of Cinad car, I adjusted my bulletproof vest that was under my clothing.

Feeling a presence beside me, I glanced over seeing it was Jaleel as he playfully nudged my shoulder. "What you want little boy," I laughed as he pulled me into a big hug.

"Today may be our last day on this earth, I just want to say I appreciate you and your mom for taking me and helping me when I was abandoned by my own family," He told me with much sincerity in his voice as I slight smiled.

"Don't talk like that boy, but you'll always be looked at as a brother to me," I smiled as I leaned in giving him another hug.

Jaleel was a great person who I can say was always there for me through a lot of my hard times.

Pulling back from the hug, I turned around as I felt somebody presence nearing us. "It's almost that time," Shy said as she stood in front of the both of us.

We all sighed thinking about how the outcome of this all could be but we didn't say anything. 

"We have to remember who we are doing this for," I spoke up. "This is for the kids and Jordan, they need us right now and they should honestly not be apart of any of this," I reminded them as they agreed.

It was honestly our careless mistakes of not watching them and thinking they wouldn't be a target is what got them in this predicament now.

Hearing the front door close, I seen Cinad approaching us taking his precious time. "We need to head out now," He told us, wrapping his arm around my shoulder making us nod.

As Mom and my Aunt came out of the house, we all exchanged our goodbyes and love you's as we got into our separate vehicles.

Even though we weren't talking to each other at the moment, I still wanted to tell her I loved her just in case I never got the chance and something happen to the both of us.

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