Chapter 20: Rebirth

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There was a huge black emptiness all around me. I didn’t know whether I was standing or floating or alive or dead for that matter. There was a complete silence; it was at a point that I felt like yelling at the top of my lungs just to break it. My mind was going haywire, I felt desperate, scared, and depressed. “I’m sorry for bringing this back to you child.” I heard a sweet but frightening soft voice coming from a girl I couldn’t see. I looked around and found no one around me. It was then that she appeared literally out of nowhere. A beautiful girl shorter than me appeared in front of me. She was dressed in a black robe, her long white mystical hair fell over it to her chest, and her white skin looked dead and radiant at once giving extra charm to her red lips. She had round golden colored eyes, one looking at me past a white mask that was only on the left side of the top of her face. There was a huge demonic wing almost like a bat on her left side and an angel one in her right. She was holding a long scythe with her soft arm, her other arm looked scary; it was just bones with sharp fingers. I knew with no doubt that she was Death. “This is your fate, as of now you are the two.” She said, her voice hypnotizing me, making me think I loved her. Her skeleton hand formed a glass ball out of thin air. I felt all of my attention being directed towards it, I couldn’t even look at her anymore. “This is who you were and who you are now.” She said as I felt drawn in to it. I felt a shove and the world turned gray, then from that grayness, everything went into a sight as white as paper. “Forgive me for this child, but you must know that you were Valaac or die in the state you are.”

    Angels lived on earth before any humans ever did. The land was beautiful and plentiful; we always had what we wanted. That was the reason most of us had a bitter change of heart when Adam and Lilith were created. Humans took what belonged to us; we had every right to get upset about it as Lucifer would tell all of us. I should’ve never listened. The conflicts between in my kind began as some of us took Lucifer’s side in the rebellion while the others remained loyal to the creator. Just as the rebellion started, Lilith left Adam and found a home amongst us. Things were calming down as we realized that without a woman humanity would just die off. It was then that Eve came along, twisting things even more. She destroyed the pillar of life, the tree of life, connecting heaven and earth. The war had started, and I was one of the rebels. It ended just as it started. Our creator closed off heaven except for the loyal angels, leaving the fallen behind. The curse began that faithful day; many of us started developing darker powers as Lucifer got stronger, it was like this that Demons were born. I had forgotten about Lilith until centuries later when she appeared again. She had gone through a transformation. She went from being human to being something far new, a mixture of both Angels and Humans. It wasn’t just her; there were three other humans with her. Her new kind killed off all the demons and locked us to a new place, a place with nothing but horrors.

    I can’t remember for how long I was in hell; I just remember the day the gates opened. I gathered all my powers and ran at them. I managed to jump through them as they were closing. The portal came out to somewhere deep underwater. As I desperately went to the surface I noticed that there was someone with me, another demon crossed the gates along with me. The surface was nothing but water and rain regardless of where we swam. It took us months to finally find land; it was only because of our powers that we were able to stay alive. The other demon that escaped with me was part of the fallen angels just like me, his name was Raum. The two of us wondered the land for many years until for a reason we didn’t know, we died of old age.

    I was born from an Egyptian family many years later. I lived the early years of my life with no knowledge of what I had been until one day it came back to me. I left my home and searched for Raum. The two of us found each other and lived our life again, going where ever we wanted, leaving nothing but massive mayhem as we passed. We learned that the people Lilith had been made into were still living but deep in secret. They organized themselves around humans and controlled the areas they were in. It was around that time that a demon sprang up and started attacking humans. It was a member of the lowest legions yet it made massive destruction. The New Kind killed it off and found us both all at once. Raum and I fought many of them until we finally died. We seemed to die in a different way than other beings, we either had to be out of energy and be killed or our hearts had to be out of our body. 

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