Chapter 12: Patience

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    “Say hello to my little friend!” I exclaimed as my character shot down George’s. The seven of us were gathered around in Evelyn’s living room playing videogames. The only one that was missing was Bruno; his family had to go out of town for the weekend. George passed the controller to Kristine and sat back on the couch. “Yeah! Cry cuz I’m undefeated!” I said getting hyper.

     “Not anymore!” said Evelyn as her character threw a grenade at mine. My character blew up into a thousand pieces as I dropped my jaw.

    “Who’s undefeated now!” yelled Kristine as she cheered Evelyn. I passed the control to Mary and pulled out my cellphone.

    “I bet it must really suck to have a cast.” I said to Jasmine, she was sitting next to me eating chips and texting with one hand.

    “No duh dude!” she said. “This is my favorite game! I really hate that Janis girl…” she said as she held her cast. The cast covered all of her hand and the beginning of her arm. It was scribbled all over with signatures and drawings.

    “Look cheer up ok,” said Eric as he pulled out a sharpie out of his pocket. He leaned over from across the couch and wrote something else in Jasmine’s cast. He read what he wrote. “LOL”.

    “I’m gonna smack you with my good hand!” she said threatening as Eric pulled back really quickly.

    “Bad joke dude…” I said as the girls kept playing.

    That’s the way life had turned to just after a few days of messaging Phantom; things just went back to normal. I wasn’t sure of what it felt like. It was between the feeling of waking up from a nightmare to a nice reality and the feeling of being in a nice dream in which a bad reality waited in the end.

    The days seemed to go by a bit fast during the last days of October. The cold wheather that follows autum started to appear around town. Halloween was something I knew I would remember for a long time. We all dressed out and went to a party a girl from school was hosting at the countryclub her family owned.

    “How drunk are you?” I asked yelling at George over the loud music in my bloody zombie costume. He suddeny lost balance as he was standing and regained it. I couldn’t really see his face behind the Michel Mayers mask he was wearing. The six of us were taking a great advantage over the free bar at the party. (Jasmine and Mary didn’t go)

    “Not…that much” he said in a normal voice. “I should really get another bottle…” he took a long pause. “Hey is Daphne single now?” he said mentioning a girl he had a crish on.

   “She is, go ask her out.” I said as I walked over to the bar. He stopped me as I was about to pass him. I knew what he was about to say before he even spoke. “Just be confident and go for it, use the booze as an excuse.” I said stopping for an instant and then kept on going.

    I passed through different costumes until I reached the bar. I picked up the first closed bottle and started drinking whatever liqour was inside. “How many have you had?” asked Kristine as she approached me with Evelyn. She was dressed as Wonder Woman and Evelyn as a devil.

    “Just three, what about you two?” I asked and kept drinking.

    “You know I don’t drink.” said Kristine, Evelyn just held out three fingers. “But…” she said walking over to the bar and getting another bottle. “a little drink has never done bad. ” she said waving the bottle in front of me, “cheers…” she gently tapped my bottle with hers and started drinking.

    “Cheers to what?” asked Evelyn.

    “To November.” said Kristine as she drank the whole bottle down.

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