Chapter 15: Doubt & trust

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“Do you really think that would happen?” asked Kristine.

    “The shooter told me that Phantom said he knew about our plan because of loyalty or something like that. What else could he mean?” I said sincerely as the music kept playing.

    “Good point, but don’t you trust them?” she asked.

    “I do but I also doubt them, they’re human, they have no codes to live by so nothing stops them from going to Phantom.” I said explaining things to her. “Which is the reason I’m not adding you in this; your clan is too important to you.”

    “Human or not, they’re our friends.” She said “You should keep that in mind before you do anything.”

    “I will, I just want to get over with this whole Phantom thing soon, thinking that there’s a traitor is the first clue I’ve got now.” I said honestly. “If I follow it and it’s true, it’ll be a win and a loss. I’ll get a clean lead to Phantom and lose a friend.”

    “That bastard sure knows where to get us.” she said. “Let’s follow this and see where it leads. But who would it be?”

     “I don’t know, let’s start thinking.” I said as I closed my eyes to relax with the music.

    I was awakened by the sound of a baby crying. It took me a while to realize that I was sleeping in a different bed in a different room and with a different woman next to me. “It’s your turn to see what’s wrong with the baby.” I heard the woman next to me say.

     I got out of bed and walked down a house into a room with a crib inside. I got close to the crib and picked up the baby sleeping there. “There there, don’t cry, daddy’s here.” I said as I picked up the baby boy. I knew from the smell that it was his diaper. I changed him and set him back down in the crib. I stayed with him an made sure he went back to sleep. He looked so cute as he slept that I couldn’t help but stare at him for a good while. I finally left the room and returned to bed. It was dawn, I could still catch a few hours of sleep. I cuddled next to the woman in the bed and kissed her in the back of her head. “I love you.” I said as I tried to go back to sleep.

     “I love you too.” she said as the two of us went back to sleep.

    The next thing I knew I was running down the street filled with old cars and people dressed from a different age. I was in a panic. I reached a house and kicked the door open. “Amber!” I yelled with my legs shaking from the fear. “Amber, please say that you’re here!” I said as I walked down the living room. The place look unattended, the furniture had a thin layer of dust. “Amber, please I want to see Edward!” I yelled as I reached the kitchen. Tears were coming out of my eyes. The table in the kitchen still had food in it. There was a bowl of rotting fruit, a high chair, a few normal chairs, and two plates, all left behind. I sat down in one of the chairs and started to cry with all my heart. “Amber…I’m sorry.” I said as my tears kept falling.

     “Are you OK?” asked Kristine looking over me. My vision was blurry; it took me a few seconds to realize that they were watered with actual tears. I wiped them and stood up in my bed.

    “What happened?” I asked. “Why am I crying?”

    “Shhh… your mom and sister are asleep.” She said quieting me down. “You suddenly fell into a deep sleep.”

     “How long have I been out?” I said feeling confused.

     “A few hours.” She said and looked straight at me. “Who is this Amber girl? You wouldn’t stop saying her name.” I felt a bit of doubt in her voice.

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