School shopping

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Naomi POV
Juliya, kyla and I are going shopping today. School is next week and we plan on getting everything we want.
"Juliya!!"I shouted when I seen her in the mall parking lot.
"Nae!!" she shouted back at me.
"Where is kyla?" I asked her.
"I don't know" juliya responded.
We walked in the mall and we were stopped by two girls.

"Wassup" I said. The girls laughed and took their phones out of their purses.
"Can I take a picture with you?"  the girl's asked us.
We took a couple pictures with them and then we walked in some stores.

"This is cute" I held up a pink dress.
"Yeahh" juliya said looking in a different direction.
I looked behind me and seen trey.

"Hello, son of a bitch" I said to
"Haha" he faked laughed.
"Why are you here?" Juliya asked him.
"This is a mall" trey said.
"Get away from my sisters and go talk to your girl before I beat her ass" Kyla said walking toward us.
"Ooouuu" juliya said looking at some clothes.

Trey left and we laughed.
I really do hate that boy and I will always hate his stupid ass.

"Who ready for next week?" kyla asked us.

"Not me" juliya said.

"These hoes and these teachers better not say shit to me and they better stay away from my boyfriend" I said.

I looked at some more clothes and then i took my stuff I wanted to the register.

"Money, money, money" juliya sung in my ear.

I rolled my eyes and gave the lady my dad card.

Kyla paid for her stuff and juliya paid for her stuff.

We left that store and went to a shoe store.
"Jordan's everywhere" kyla said.
"I'm about to buy about six pairs" juliya said.
We laughed and went separate ways.

I couldn't decide which pair I wanted. I watched juliya take some shoes to an employee and ask him about the sizes.
Kyla already had seven pairs of Jordan's. I guess I'm the hold up.

I found a couple pairs that I like and paid for them. We have our shoes and clothes now. I called our body guards and they came to the store we were in and took our stuff. They took our stuff to our houses.

"Food" Juliya said and pointed at the food court.
We walked to the food court and talked.
"I wish my baby was going to the same school as us" kyla said.
"Inspiration will be going to the same school as us" juliya said.
"I don't like her attitude" I said.

"She is so nice" kyla said.
"Yeah, to you and your uncle ink" Naomi said.
"She is a little bitch" Juliya said.
"That's your sister" kyla said.
"She don't respect me so I'm not going to respect her" juliya said.

Kyla POV
I don't have a problem with inspiration. They saying some stuff about her and I can't believe any of this.

"She tough on social media" juliya said.
"That bitch be talking shit" Naomi said.
"About us" juliya said.
I smirked and Naomi rolled her eyes.
"Tell that bitch to turn up when she see me" I said.

Nobody disrespects me or my motherfucking sisters. That bitch wanna be tough on the internet but scary in person, that bitch is hilarious and she better get loud when I see her.

"Beat a bitch up" Naomi said.
"Yup" juliya said.
We laughed and decided to just go back to my house.

Julian POV
The girl's start school next week and we leave for the tour tomorrow.

"You gay ass niggas ready?" I asked my brother and my manager.

"Hell no" kid ink said.

They never ready. I'm not ready to leave my princess but I gotta make this money and I do all this for her. I could stay home and have little money but I have to do this for her.

Kyla, juliya and Naomi walked in.
My daughter hugged me and didn't let go for a while.

" Don't leave" she said.
I laughed and held on to her tighter. My princess is so adorable.

"I have to and I love you" I said.
My shirt felt a little damp and I knew she was crying.

Ink and the others went outside.

"I'm going to be back" I said.
I hate seeing her like this. I don't want my princess crying. I want her to be happy.

"I want you to stay" she said.

Juliya and my brother left.  Naomi hugged kyla and then she left also.

Kyla helped me pack and we talked about her plans after high school. Kyla doesn't want to continue her singing career but she want to start modeling and I'm going to support her.

Kyla pov
I can't believe my dad is leaving tomorrow. I wish my dad would just stay here with me.

"Good night " I told my dad.
My dad zipped up his suitcase and sighed.
"I love you" my dad said.
I pouted and hugged him.
"I love you too" I said pulling away.
I walked upstairs and went in my room. I layed down and fell asleep.

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