"Oh no"!

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Naomi pov
Me:I was sitting by the bar with breaunia and she asked the bartender for some beer.The bartender gave her some and then she asked me if i would like some.I told her i can't but she told me i should drink because everyone else is.I took the cup and then she told me that i can drink all of it. I saw kyla and trey hugged up in a beach chair so i walked over there to them.
Kyla:"oh hell nah bitch"are you drinking?
Me:"well yeah but im not goung to drink alot".
Trey:"No you cant drink ".
Me:"I can drink if i want to"
Anthony:(walks up)"Naomi give me that drink".
Me:"uh uh get your own".(drinks some)
Kyla:"Umm let me get some".
Me:"Hell no"
Juliya:(walks toward us with antonio)
Antonio:"Aye why is she drinking"?
Breaunia:(yells at us)"whats the problem?
Anthony:"Bre come here".
Breaunia:(sighs then walks toward me)"what brother?
Me:"she told me i should drink because everyone else is".
Breaunia:"Yeah she should".
Anthony:"She is crazy when she drunk".
Me:"Im about to get some more beer ".
Anthony:"Did you drink all of that already"?
Me:"Duhh"(walks to the bar)

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