Chapter 11- harry and freddie

Start from the beginning

We start going along the ice, gliding along at a slow speed. Harry seems very happy bur also very confused at the same time.

"Molly... So you're the lost grandchild... She said you came here once but i was too young to remember" he says, not quite able to believe that were both standing here together in the cold.

"yeah... I guess so" I reply. I wonder why maddie is so obsessed with me. I mean, I'm nothing special.

"me, Freddie and Finn were always good friends with this family, before even I was born... We have come here every winter since... Well, since forever really. When I was 2, it must've been, there was a little baby called Molly. I guess that must've been you." he explains and I nod, taking it all in. Harry gently links arms with me as we go around, the snow falling on harrys brown locks. His eyes look somewhat softer in the snow.

The sun starts to set and everyone goes inside, but me and Harry stay out, even when the stars come out, there are fairy lights on the trees so we can still see. Its so cute seeing Harrys face at christmas. He's so much less stressed than he is at school. In ever even knew he had brothers...

"Harry... You know that story you told me about Emma and you being all alone... What about Finn and Freddie?" I Ask, just realising how this doesn't fit into the story. He looks at me puzzled.

"they took the rooms at emmas house"

"oh, okay. Where do they live now?"

"finn lives with ciara, while I get money and go to uni with Freddie"

"cool" I say and he nods, looking ahead again. The whole lake is desolate as there's no one else out here. I can't believe it's Christmas eve and I've only just remembered. I've been too wrapped up in Harry to notice that today is Christmas eve. Maybe if I stay up all night, I'll be able to hear Santa and see his sleigh. I don't believe in santa but I still like to pretend he exists.

"maybe we should go inside now?" harry says, leading me to the door. How ever much I want to stay out here, it is getting quite cold out. We walk into the living room where the fire is blazing and everyone is sitting in couches, chatting and helping the children put their stockings up. Logan and alby are getting the carrot for rudolf and Adam and ciara are helping them with the whisky and the mince pie for Santa. All the adults are sat in the corner and the kids are on the floor, helping each other with their stockings and pillow cases. I sit down next to Niall and Harry sits down with me too. Freddie is sat with the other adults chatting.

"are you having a stocking?" I ask Harry and he laughs.

"I'm a bit old for that, don't you think?" he chuckles, handing me a stocking and telling me to cover it in glitter.

"so am I but I'm still doing it. It's fun... Isn't it?" I argue. "and nialls doing one" I look over to Niall, who is sticking sequins on his sock.

"well, I'm only doing one because Ciara said I had to" Niall laughs, inspecting his work. He nods and pegs it onto the mantel piece, securing it by putting a candle on top of it.

"ha! Do a socky!" Logan pokes Harry, throwing a large stocking on his head, covering his eyes. I laugh as he rolls his eyes. Now he has to do a stocking anyway.

"good boy!" he shouts, hitting Harry hard on the head. He soothes his head with his hand before laughing with me and Niall. I finish doing my one and hang it from the fireplace next to niall's. Then I help Harry with his. I grab the glitter glue and start writing his name in big letters.

H A R R Y.

He smiles at me and sticks Christmas tree stickers on it around his name. He also puts sequin hearts on the wet glitter glue.

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