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Chapter 22: Unconditional Love

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Chapter 22: Unconditional Love

Paul watched her with sad eyes but instead of mourning with him, Amaya was excited, her eyes bright and a smile adorning her face. "How can you be happy right now? He imprinted on you."

"I don't care, I love you."

He shook his head, his body tense as he came to the realization of what would soon happen. "The imprint will draw you two together eventually, you may have been mine then but you're his now."

"Do you love me?" Amaya asked with such intensity it sent goosebumps down Paul's tanned skin.

"Of course, I love you with all I have."

Her hands cupped his cheeks, her voice low and gentle as they sat on the sandy beach in La Push, their legs tangled together as they sat in front of one another. "Then I will always be yours, I can fight this. We can be together, Paul."

And while her encouraging tone gave him a sense of hope, he knew the truth, the reality that deep down Amaya Hill wouldn't be his. "Yeah, together."

They stayed on the beach for a while, the sand in their toes and the crisp wind blowing through their hair. It was silent between the two, the only noise being the steady sound of the waves crashing.

It felt like hours before Amaya got a call from Bella begging the blonde to spend the night at her house, pleading that she found something and needed some help. "The paleface calls and you follow obediently."

"She's my friend, Paul. I can't just abandon her, not to mention she's been asking me a lot of questions about you guys and I've been busting my ass keeping your secret safe and not lying to her at the same time." Amaya stood up quickly, using a creme colored hair tie to pull her hair up. "I don't like being put in this position, I don't like having to lie to her."

"You did it for Cullen."

Paul was looking up at her from his spot on the ground, not moving a muscle. "I'd do it for anyone I love, which is why I continue to do it for you."

"I'm sorry," He whispers, breaking the eye contact to look at the view before them. The sunsetting from its brilliant yellow to burnt oranges and deep reds until it faded into a purple so deep it was black. "I'm just scared, I don't want to lose you."

Amaya knelt, her forehead moving down to touch his. The anxiety and pain between the two was unmistakable and tears fell down gently but weren't spoken about. "I wish we just regular, boring people that met in the woods that day."

"I wish, I was just some idiot boy who was wandering around in the woods and met a beautiful girl and we could be together as long as we wanted."

She pressed a kiss to his lips, them holding each other, trying to capture the memory and remember each other like this. In love and carefree without the burdens of vampires and imprints. No words needed to be exchanged, just that last kiss and she knew that was it.

He walked her to her car, opened her door and closed it for her, watching as she revved the engine and used her seatbelt. "Do you want a ride home?"

"No, I'm staying at Sam's. I'm on patrol."

"Be safe."

"Always am."

Amaya managed to drive her without shedding a tear, driving along the paved roads until she pulled into Bella's house.

A shirtless Jacob Black jumped out of her window, stopping once he saw her. "Amaya, did you—"

"I haven't told her anything because there's nothing to tell."

"I love her."

"And I love Paul. Nothing, not even this stupid imprint will change that." She stomped past him into the house, going up the stairs and into Bella's room. "You had a visitor."

Bella nods, a small smile on her face. "Yeah, came to apologize but he said something else and I'm kind of confused."

"What'd he say?"

"Something about the stories he told me on the beach, and the Cold ones."

Amaya took of her hoodie and set it on Bella's desk. "Is that all you remember? The vampires?"

"Yeah, that's all that mattered at the time. I was still trying to figure out what the Cullen's were and I zoned out on everything else." Bella rambled on but stopped when she saw the vacant expression on Amaya's face. "What's wrong?"

"What? With who?"

"With you, what's wrong with you. Something happened, I can see it on your face."

Amaya shook her head, her hands running over the purple duvet on Bella's bed, trying to think of a way to deflect the conversation she didn't feel like talking about. "Nothing."

"Amaya, I can't help you if you don't tell me."

"I can't tell you."

Hurt passed over the brunettes face at the declaration and she was quiet afterwards, simply leaving the room and preparing for bed. In the time it took for Bella to shower and get changed into her pajamas, Amaya was nowhere to be found, her car out of the front yard and no trace of the blonde in her house.

She'd just disappeared without a word, just like the rest of her family.

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