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Chapter 5: Not So Secret Admirer

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Chapter 5: Not So Secret Admirer

Bella walked up to Amaya the moment she walked in the door, the other Cullen's walking their separate ways. "Where's Edward?"

"Good morning to you too, Swan."

Bella's hair was in its usual curly style, the brown tresses smelling like lavender. "I know you don't do introductions, Amaya. Just tell me where he is, it's been two days since I saw him last and I want to confront him for being so rude to me."

"Confront him?" She asked, the brunette following her to her locker. "What do you plan on saying?"

"I just want to know why he treated me they way he did the first day I saw him."

Amaya pulled out the notebooks for her first few classes and her wallet for lunch. "Edward's a complicated person."

"How complicated is it to answer a simple question?"

The thought of Bella knowing about Edward leaving Forks for a few days to stay with their distant relatives in Alaska to feed and get his mind off of the girl. "Harder than you think."

School passed by quickly, and Bella came to Amaya the next day, her brown eyes wandering around for the bronze haired boy that had wormed his way into her brain. "Is he—"

"He'll be here later."

Bella watched Amaya walk away from her and meet up with Emmett and Rosalie. "Had enough?"

"He's all she talks about," Amaya explained, pulling her hair up into a bun at the top of her head. "I thought he was bad, she beats him by a landslide."

"I don't like her, she's going to get us all killed."

Emmett sniggered at the comment, his arm wrapped around his wife's neck. "You said the same thing about Maya."

"Maya proved she wasn't as annoying as Bella is."

"Have you even talked to her?"

Rose sent Emmett a glare. "I don't need too, she looks like trouble."

Amaya looks up at them and changes the subject. "Have you guys found anything else out about the murders?"

"Carlisle's working on it, he said that its definitely vampires but he hasn't seen any other clans around."

"Is it safe?"

"It's vampires, of course it's not safe."

Amaya went through her first few hours, her limbs moving mechanically as she came to the realization that if Edward and Bella actually started something, that he'd put her on the back burn.

At lunch, her tray wasn't filled with the usual amount of food she ate and it didn't go unnoticed by the others.

"What's with the frown lines? You're going to get wrinkles."

She swatted Emmett's hand away, her fork pushing the food in circles, only taking a few bites before she came to the conclusion she wasn't going to eat. "Where's Edward?"

"With Bella," Alice chimed, pointing to the lunch line where Edward stood beside her, picking up her apple for her.

"She's jealous," Jasper speaks up, a tiny grin on his features that have the others nudging her and laughing at the realization.

"Knock it off with the mood reading stuff, that's private."

Jasper nods, but his smile didn't faulter. "My apologies, I can't help it."

Rosalie gave a subtle jerk of her head towards Edward who was walking back from the lunch line. "Look who showed up."

"Shut up."

Emmett continued to prod. "Trouble in paradise?"

Edward stayed quiet, taking a seat beside Amaya who ignored his presence. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing," Amaya grumbled, getting up to throw away her food and leave the lunchroom.

"Was it something I said?"

Rose rolled her eyes, getting her things to follow her friend. "It was everything you didn't say."

Amaya went to her next class early, being the first one there when the bell rang a few minutes later. "Amaya," Bella's quiet voice called, rushing forward to take a seat next to her. "What'd you say to him?"

"I didn't say anything."

"Apparently you did because now he's talking to me and we're actually having descent conversations."

Her voice was full and she didn't even spare the brunette a look, instead, she kept her eyes focused on the board, doing her homework as quick as possible. "Good for you."

"Did I do something wrong?"

Amaya really wanted to say yes, tell her that she was stealing her best friend away from her, taking up his time and making sure that every word he spoke was directed towards the Swan girl. "Not yet."

Bella watched the blonde write, her pen moving swiftly across the page, knowing answers to questions that the teacher hadn't even gone over yet. "Isn't this a group assignment?"

"I'll send pictures later. I work better alone."

"I thought we were starting to become friends."

Amaya faced Bella, her blue eyes looking over every feature on the girls face from her pasty pale skin and her thinly plucked eyebrows to her pointy nose and the top lip that was way thinner than the bottom one. "We aren't friends, we're acquaintances. I don't know you well enough to call you more than that."

Bella went quiet, skimming over the paper and writing her name at the top, her pen scribbling to write down the answers she knew and banking on the incredibly smart blonde that was nearly finished with the whole thing. "Do you want to hang out sometime, just us so we could get to know each other better?"

"You asking me on a date, Swan?"

"Are you saying yes?"

Amaya clicked her pen shut, giving her a flippant look. "I suppose I could check my schedule, see if I've got time for you."

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