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Chapter 15: Don't Let Me Go

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Chapter 15: Don't Let Me Go

Amaya stayed home the following day, her hands crossed as she watched the Cullen's pack their clothes and belongings, using their enhanced speed to pack them in the car. They'd finished in a matter of moments, leaving some things behind because they obtained a permanent residency in Forks and in a few decades they'd return and start all over again.

She didn't say anything to them the whole time, her mouth seeming to be glued shut when she finally sat in the passenger seat of Edwards shiny silver Volvo. "I'm not doing this to hurt you, Maya."

"You're doing it to save her." Her tone was bitter and for the first time in a while she was incredibly angry that Bella and Edward had ever met.

"Don't think like that," Edward reached a hand over to rest it on top of hers but she pulled away, her hand lifting up to cover her mouth to silence the sob that was aching to be released.

He could smell it though, the salt from her tears and he could hear the fluctuations in her heartbeat as she held her breath; trying to keep her composure. "You'll text and call me a lot, right?"

"As long as you keep it a secret."

"What do you mean?"

Edward made a turn, pulling into the Hill's driveway. "This break will only work if Bella isn't reminded of my existence. I want to her forget me and that won't happen if she knows we talk. She'll find a way to talk to one of us and convince us to come back and that can't happen."


"Promise me," He simply spoke, knowing full well that he blonde would never back down on a sworn promise.

Amaya let out a deep sigh, her eyes blinking rapidly at the position she was being placed in but she nodded anyway. "I promise."

"You'll watch over her? Make sure she's safe."

"I promise."

Edward came out of the car, opening Amaya's door and catching her when she jumped into his arms. "Don't do anything stupid while you're gone, okay?"

"I should be saying that to you, seeing as you're dating a werewolf."

Amaya rolled her eyes at him, stepping back and fixing her shirt. "You should really get over that because my relationship status won't be changing anytime soon."

He nodded, a small smile peeking through. "I'll see you soon, Maya."

He drove off, her bright blue eyes seeming to dim as she watched the shiny Volvo drive off so quickly she couldn't comprehend his sudden absence.

Amaya walked mechanically into her home, the door was unlocked, and she carelessly kicked her shoes off. Her jeans were slid from her legs and she said down in one of large shirts Paul left behind.

Her blonde hair fanned messily behind her as she laid down, her eyes starting to water when she caught sight of a framed photo with her and Edward on it, her on his back while he looked up at her with a smile on his pale skin.

Time passes and Amaya stared out the window, her eyes drying up when she stared too long and she solved it by blinking quickly and repeating the process. She didn't move until she heard the floorboards creek behind her.

"Babe," His deep voice called out, moving over to her and Amaya could vaguely hear him taking off his shoes and jeans so he'd be comfortable too.

"Paul, they're gone." No further words needed to be said to specify, he simply laid behind her and enveloped her body in his arms. One hand moved gently in her hair, detangling blonde strands and letting them fall back onto the pillow,

It took while for her breathing to even out and when he'd finally gotten her to calm down her phone rang loudly, ripping her from her sleep. "Hello?" Her eyes widened and with his advanced hearing Paul had gotten up and tossed a pair of shorts in her direction, his jeans easily sliding up his long legs. "He told me to keep her safe," She told Paul after the call disconnected, taking up her car keys and allowing him to trail behind her..


"Edward, he made me promise to keep her safe and now she's lost in the woods." The sky was dark, a thin mist floating in the air and coating the grass.

Paul rolled his eyes but made sure to keep it concealed. Stupid bloodsucker left his girlfriend, completely disappearing and wanted to leave his problems with Amaya. "I don't see how that's fair."

Amaya made sharp turns, not minding the speed limit until she got to Charlie Swans house. A large group of people swarmed the back, Jacob Black and his father standing by Charlie's cop car while some of the men had guns and walkie talkies to communicate while in the woods looking for the eighteen year old. "He's my family."

The Quileute lingered behind, shaking his head and his stance freezing up when he saw Jacob standing there, his long black hair waving down his back.

"Have you got anything?" Maya asked Charlie, moving past someone to see the older man more clearly. He pulled her into a hug before pushing her a arms length away.

"Is she with the Cullen's? Am I freaking out for no reason?"

Amaya tucked her hair behind her ear, one hand finding its way into the pocket of her hoodie. "I talked to them this morning, they left Washington and Bella wasn't with them. Edward said he had to break it off because Carlisle had a job offer back in Alaska."

Eyes rolled on their own accord at the lie the blonde was making, Harry Clearwater, one of the elders of the Quileute tribe knew the Cullen's left but it wasn't for the reason she claimed.

Before anyone could ask any further questions, Harry tapped Charlie's arm and pointed in the direction of the woods. "I've got her," A shirtless Sam Uley proclaimed holding Bella in his arms.

Her body was moved to Charlie's, her head tucking into his neck, the tears that were running down her face running out. She was shivering and her fingertips a blue color. "Can I stay the night? Stay with her and make sure she's okay?" Amaya asked, her wide eyes hopeful and Charlie nodded, grateful for the friend that stuck by Bella's side.

A respective nod was exchanged between Sam and the other elders of the reservation. The blonde ran up to Sam, her arms wrapping around his torso. "Go help your friend."

After giving Paul a kiss and bidding her goodbye, she scurried into the Swan home her hands shaking as she prepared herself for the brunette that would—no doubt be asking her questions she wasn't sure she knew the answers to.

Sinful Desires | Jacob Black [1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें