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Chapter 21: Stay With Me

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Chapter 21: Stay With Me

The distance between two friends was great, Bella falling back into same habits when Jacob left for a few weeks and while Amaya knew the true reason why, she was forced to tell her best friend that he was gone because he'd caught a bad case of mono.

"Did I do something wrong?" The brunette questioned quietly while doing her homework, hair pulled up in a messy bun. "Everyone keeps leaving me."

"I haven't left."

"You only stay because Edward asked you to."

Amaya looked up at Bella, brows furrowed. "Who told you that?"

She shrugged her shoulders, her mechanical pencil tracing over her bare leg. "I guessed, you didn't like me much at the beginning of the year and when we got together you weren't exactly my biggest fan. Not to mention you and Rose made a bet to see how long we'd last."

"We actually bet on how long it'd take for you guys to last with just making out before one of you died from the sexual tension."

Bella laughed for a fraction of a second before she frowned at the painful reminder of the bronze  haired man who'd taken control of her heart and crushed it with his absence. "Do you still talk to him?"

Amaya was quiet for a moment, mentally fighting herself on wether she should defy Edwards orders on telling Bella about their contact with one another but the strong bond that held them together made her stomach churn at the thought of betraying him. "No, he changed his number after they left."

Technically, she wasn't lying. Edward changed his number the minute they left Forks. "I want to go see Jake, make sure he's okay."

"You know what, I'll come with you." Amaya trailed behind Bella, allowing the brunette to get dressed while the blonde stayed in her leggings and long sleeved crop-top, a large rain jacket overtop to keep her dry from the heavy showers that never seized.

Bella drove faster than usual, her eagerness to see her friend present as they pulled into the muddy driveway of the familiar red painted home.

In the middle of the rain stood Jacob Black, his hair closely cropped, his shirt absent showing off his well defined abs and brand new tattoo. "Jake," Bella yelled the moment she scrambled out of the car, her foot slipping a little on the wet ground. "You cut your hair off, and got a tattoo," Jacob stood there for a moment looking at Bella with helpless eyes as the pouring rain fell on them both. He made a move to leave her but her cold hand latched onto his arm, pulling him back.

"Bella, go home."

"I thought you were too sick to come outside, or pick up the phone when I call."

Amaya came from behind her, head facing the ground as she attempted to avoid the large puddles of muddy grass that would cause her to slip.

"Did Sam get to you," Bella prodded, her skin bare of makeup, her dark bags showing under her dull eyes. "Is that what's happening?"

"Don't blame him," Jacob is quick to defend, his brown eyes that usually held warmth and carefree happiness is filled with sadness and anger. "Blame those filthy bloodsuckers you love, the Cullen's."

Amaya looked up at Jacob, their eyes connecting and he froze. Her eyes widened in shock as she suddenly felt the uncontrollable need to hold him, to hug and kiss and make Jacob Black feel loved but she resisted against the compulsion. "Bella, I think it's time we go home. This was a bad idea."

"No," He snarled, grabbing her hand and pulling her back. "You know too, I know all about you and your affiliation with the Cullen's. How the two of you have been lying to everyone, keeping secrets but you won't do that to me, not anymore."

Amaya yanked her hand out of his when she saw Paul and the rest of the guys coming from the tree line, all shirtless and wet. The familiar raspy tone of Sam's voice called through the heavy rain, Jacob's name cutting through clearly. "Bella, lets go."

"You should leave," Jacob urged, taking steps away from the two of them. "I don't want to be friends anymore."


"I'm not good anymore, Bella." He chocked on his words, fumbling over the right things to say. "I used to be a good kid but I'm not anymore and I need you to leave right now."

Tears were falling down her face and thanks to rain they could fall without anyone knowing they were even there. "You promised me you'd stay."

"I promised I wouldn't hurt you and his is me keeping that promise. Go home and don't come back."

Amaya couldn't help herself to look back at him, anger swelling deep in her chest as she realized when happened but it didn't matter. None of that matter because she loves Paul and nothing, not even the imprint of Jacob Black could alter that.

"Scoot over," The blonde gently told the brunette, taking the keys from her hand. Her wet clothes clung uncomfortably to her body, blue eyes darting over to Bella every few seconds, one hand outreached to take hers—a gesture to comfort the pale girl.

"You're dating Paul, you know more about the rez than I do. What do you know about Sam Uley?"

Eyebrows furrowed, one hand gripping tighter on the wheel of the rickety old truck. "Why do you need to know?"

"Is your boyfriend in a cult?"

Amaya pulled her hand away, offended by the hostility in Bella's tone. "No! Bella, what the hell?"

"Why won't you tell me about Sam?"

"Because it's none of your business."

There was a silence in the car for a moment. "I don't know why, but I keep loosing people. Everyone I care about is leaving me one by one and I need to know why. I'm not stupid, Maya, I know you know more than you're letting on."

"Sam Uley doesn't run a cult, its more of a group of troubled boys that go to him for guidance. He's looked up too highly in the tribe."

"What does he do?"

Amaya chose her words carefully, trying to say enough to satisfy Bella's curiosity and not give too much away about the Quileutes at the same time. "He helps boys with their anger issues, he's like a teacher of some sort. He teaches them how to control their anger so they don't hurt themselves or someone else."

"If that's all then why is Jake so scared of them and how does he know about the Cullen's."

"The Quileutes run on legends, they believe in vampires and spirits and stuff like that, the Cullen's were apart of that story and based on their history they believe that they're responsible for hurting some of their family from a long time ago."

Bella scoffed, her hands running through knotted wet hair. "It's just some stupid legend."

"Right, legend."

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