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"It's Taehyung's."

My heart dropped to my stomach and I felt like throwing up right there and then. I heard Taehyung gulp next to me; Jungkook shuffled in his spot; and Hyerim's sobs were the only sound that I could process. It must've been about three minutes before Jackson silently stood up and shoved his way out the room. I wanted to run out with him, but my body stood frozen.

"I didn't think I would come back to this." Jungkook joked, then shrunk back when the three of us shot him a glare. Guiltily, he mumbled, "too soon?" I shook my head in dissapointment, my head turning when the door opened. A nurse popped in with a smile, "visiting times are over for today." We nodded, looking back at Hyerim before silently leaving.


"You know you're going to have to tell mum and dad now, right?" I threw the question out, ready to talk about the situation after walking in silence for 5 minutes. Taehyung didn't answer though, just kept walking with his hands in his pockets and head hung low. Jungkook, being on the other side of him, looked at me with worry.

"I was drunk." My head spun around, hearing Taehyung finally speak, "I only know that though." My shoulders sank. I couldn't think of anything to say, so we walked on in silence until Jungkook said bye to go to his doorstep. Before going in, Jungkook took his phone out and signalled for me to text him later.

Seeing my parents in the living room came as a devastating surprise. My dad was cooking dinner as my mum was searching something on her Ipad, both too busy to notice their children coming in. I put my hand on top of Taehyung's arm, my eyes wondering what to do. He nodded his head towards the stairs; I nodded and made my way up to the second floor.

"Mum, dad," I bit my lip as I heard the muffled hums in response. "I think I got Hyerim pregnant."


"This is a change of scenery." Jungkook joked, sitting next to me on the park bench we always sat at to discuss our dilemmas. This time, a small smile dared to fall on my lips. "Do you think our lives will be normal now?" I shook my head at his question. It made me realise how much had happened in the few months that Jungkook was here. Heck, we didn't even have enough time to talk about what happened in America.

"How was America?" I asked, trying to change the subject as much as I could. Jungkook pondered, then sighed, "it was fine, I guess. I got the opportunity to find my passion."

"What passion?" I became interested. As far as I knew, his passion was Iron man.

"Music." He laughed, probably from seeing the shock in my face. "Yeah, I went to a dance school and got singing lessons. It was the only way I survived."

"Didn't you have any friends?" Jungkook nodded, "a few, but I only keep in touch with one now." I nodded, "was it hard coming back?" Jungkook stared at me, a slight smile on his face.

"A bit. But the thought of coming back and being with you helped." I felt my cheeks turn red. I looked down, feeling guilty of forgetting about the deal we made. It was silent, with the swishing of trees around us being the only sound.

Jungkook grabbed my hand in his, "do you think-- do you think we should fulfil the deal?" I was taken aback, "but Jungkook--"

"I know, everything is a mess right now, but I also know this can work. I like you and, clearly, you like me." He lifted our hands up, showing his fingers outstretched while mine wrapped around them securely. We both laughed for a moment, then Jungkook stood up.

"Should we try?" He asked, his hand now reached out as if asking for permission to hold mine.

I smiled, it will be ok, and took his hand.


A/N: I'm sorry for this lame excuse of a chapter but I reaalllyy wanted them to go out already :D I've been having a bit of a hard time lately but tbh I'm so ready to try and finish this story before the end of the year!

I will be posting the q & a in the next chapter (on the 25th) and then I will fulfil the request of one lucky reader (please check out my SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT chapter to request) :)

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