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"So, did you get me a present?" Hyerim asked. It was Friday morning, me, Hyerim and Jungkook were walking towards our noisy classroom.

I made an upset expression. "Isn't my love as your bestfriend enough?" Hyerim made a 'really?' face, but I just laughed as I showed her the small bag in my hands. She gasped, snatching it away and taking out the little box that was inside. She looked at me, puzzled, but I motioned for her to open it. She lifted the top, her face lighting up when she saw the small charm bracelet inside.

"Oh my god," she gasped, picking up the bracelet and spreading in on her palm. "This is so pretty!" I helped her put it on. We had already reached the classroom, when Hyerim was crowded by our classmates talking about the party. As I watched from our table, I saw Jungkook on his phone, smiling. Jungkook and I haven't spoken since, but we still remained friends nonetheless.


I had spent lunch time with Hyerim, because we were given permission to leave school early. We spent the rest of the day shopping for snacks and plastic tableware. I helped Hyerim hide all the valuable things in her house – or else her parents would kill her for breaking everything. Hyerim even found her dad's alcohol stash – and no matter how much I protested – she said that it would be legal in other countries to drink at sixteen.

It was now nine o'clock at night, Jimin and Taehyung had gone to our house (not knowing we had alcohol), leaving Hyerim and I to take care of everything. People from our grade began to arrive, some even from the senior grades. Jackson and his friends also came, going straight to the snack bar. I hung out with Hyerim mostly, letting myself have a bit of her mum's wine.

After an hour, people were getting a bit too drunk. I iscolated myself to a corner, hoping to be alone but was accompanied by a tall figure.

"Enjoying the party?" Mark, one of Jackson's friends, asked. Once I looked at him, I could clearly tell by his half closed eyes that he was drunk.

"Uhhuh," I said. "Hyerim really knows how to party." I chuckled at my statement, but stopped when I felt his arm on my butt.


"Shh," he pressed me against the wall, pressing his arms on the other side of my head. "I'm liking this party too much." His words were slurs, but his drunken strength soon gave up on him and he fell right on me. I slowly dragged him towards the nearest couch.

Once he was laying down, with his mouth open and drool dripping down his cheek, I realised how hot it was. I weaved through people dancing, talking, or just eating. I reached the front door, opening it and letting the night breeze into the house. Without anyone noticing, I went out and closed the door behind me. Someone was already sitting on the front porch; I could tell by the honey blonde hair that it would be a bad idea to sit next to the person. However, I realised that I was in desperate need of some closure.

I sat next to him. "Not enjoying the party?" Jungkook turned around, the corners of his lips lifting.

"Not really a big fan of parties." He said.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Then, why did you come?" There was a moment of silence, before Jungkook turned around with a serious expression.

"You." I stared at him, lost in confusion. I wasn't sure what he meant; did he come to spend time with me? Or did Taehyung send him to spy on me? My thoughts were disrupted by the sudden friction of my lips on Jungkook's. I had no idea what was going on, but I stayed frozen. Until, my senses came back and I pushed Jungkook away, panicking as I stood up and ran inside.

I pushed my way through the crowd, which had decreased since I went out. I made my way to the bathroom, tears running uncontrollably down my cheeks as I panicked. I finally made it to the corridor where the bathroom was, when the sight broke my heart. My knees weakened as I watched my boyfriend making out with a girl. It wasn't just a girl – it was Hyerim, my best friend. I watched them eat each other's faces off. My body went wobbly as I made my way back outside.

Jungkook was still there. We made quick eye contact, but I discarded it and went forward. I could hear Jungkook calling my name repeatedly. I had no clue on where I was going, and soon I found myself crossing the busy road. A car was approaching, I knew that, but my body was still pushing me to walk on the large road.

"Aeri!" I was pushed to the side, falling on my left side with my eyes closed. I took a moment, before opening my eyes and letting the horror flow through my body.

A/N: Well this is hectic O.O I feel as if this story might be getting a bit boring :/

Question: I don't really have a question for this chapter *shrugs and goes back to sleep*

Deal? Deal. [bts; j.j.k]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن