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I dragged Jungkook all the way outside, stopping a few steps away from the gate. I haved a sigh, realising how silent we were. I let go of Jungkook's wrist, beginning to walk in the direction to our neighbourhood. It was getting darker, which wasn't surprising since it was early September.

Jungkook caught up to me, stuffing his hands in his pockets and releasing a soft sigh himself. We walked for about five minutes – the longest five minutes of my life – until Jungkook decided to speak. 

"So tell me," I halted my steps. "Why didn't you break up with him?" His voice sounded calm, but I knew I had made a horrible mistake and was probably going to feel bad for the rest of my small life.

Don't say anything Aeri, you'll make it worse.

I stopped, suddenly blocked by an arm outstretched in front of me. I looked up, seeing an agitated look on Jungkook's baby skin face. Our height difference let me see the perfect build of Jungkook's jawline.

I bet he could cut wood with that.

I snapped out of it, looking down so that my hair could hide the blush, which was now spreading all over my cheeks. Jungkook grabbed my arm, jerking me so that I would look at him.

"Why didn't you break up with that asshole?!"

"Because he loves me!" I shocked myself with my answer and tone, but didn't let it show as I stood with my pink, furious face. Jungkook must've been shocked too, since his eyes went wide for a second, but was covered by the anger.

"Are you serious? Do you go out with anyone just because they love you?!" I winced as his grip got tighter, which hurt like hell since there were still bruises from the day before.

"Of course not!" I shouted back. "And he does love me, somebody that doesn't love me wouldn't fight for me like that!" Jungkook eyes softened, letting go off me. I made two steps back, hearing him make out a hoarse chuckle.

"So, is that why I did it?" He mumbled, not aware that I heard. My eyebrows furrowed.


"What?" Jungkook instantly responded, a playful smirk on his face.

I huffed, walking away until Jungkook grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him, leaning in closer.

"What are you doing?" I stepped back, until my back hit a brick wall and I had nowhere to go. Jungkook leaned on his elbows on both sides of my head, our faces inches away. I could feel his minty breath on my lips, our noses brushing against each other's.

Jungkook smirked.

"You've really become naïve over these 4 years."

He leaned in closer. My eyes closed subconsciously, readying myself for the gentle impact of Jungkook's soft lips.

But it never came.

Instead, I heard a muffled laugh and opened my eyes to see Jungkook standing up straight again and walking off to the direction we were first going in. I stood there, my mouth wide open. I scoffed, following the boy who was still mumbling to himself.

"You make me confused in more ways than one," I heard him muffle once. "I kinda like it."

A/N: I squealed so much while writing this chapter #_# You can't trust me to keep up a routine, I was meant to update on Saturday but I couldn't wait. I'm also feeling thirsty for Twitter followers -----------------------> katdotcom000 
;) if you want to of course.

BTW, since I'm shameless af I'm going to promote my new Jimin fanfic (which is in need of love) called Running Away with My Bodyguard :)))) oh and thnx for the 100+ votes guyysss

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