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"Jungkook?" Taehyung asked, tilting his head and furrowing his eyebrows. I stood in shock, as the honey blonde boy smiled.

"How have you been-" He couldn't finish, because my brother practically leaped on the boy, enveloping him in his arms.

"Taehyung." I tried to pull him off, but he didn't even budge. I was still in shock myself. The creepy boy from my class, was actually Jeon Jungkook? I couldn't believe my eyes. Once Taehyung let go, Jungkook turned to me and ruffled my hair.

"You haven't grown one bit." He said, laughing at my frozen expression. Without me even noticing, a tear ran down my cheek. Jungkook pulled me into his arms, stroking my head as his chest vibrated from his soft laughter. He let me go, stepping aside and motioning for us to come in.

"My parents aren't home yet, they went grocery shopping- is that rice cakes I smell?" Jungkook took the basket, taking a cake and biting into it. Taehyung and I sat on the couch, taking in our surroundings. The house was the same, clean house, as if the Jeons never left. Jungkook must've noticed our awkwardness, because he stopped chewing and sat back in the arm chair in front of us.

He sighed. "It's as if we're strangers."

Taehyung shook his head. "No, it's just you've grown so much- I should probably call Jimin over."

"Don't forget Hyerim." I said, watching as Taehyung went out of the room. I turned back to Jungkook, who was clearing his throat.

"I see you've matured." He said, a hint of pink appearing on his cheeks. I chuckled, looking him up and down.

"I could say the same for you," I said. "But, how come you didn't talk to me in school?" Jungkook was about to reply, when Taehyung came in with a frustrated expression.

"Jimin and Hyerim can't come, they're taking care of their mum and I'm still grounded," he took my hand. "Let's go, before mum gets angry."  We went out, waving goodbye to Jungkook and agreeing to meet tomorrow for school.


It was already dark by the time I met Jungkook on the roof. Once I sat down, the roof creaked and Jungkook turned to me, smiling.

"It's been long since I've been up here." He said, his quiet voice sounding husky. He was wearing a stretchable grey top, which outlined his abs. It was quite chilly, so I wore an oversized black hoodie and jeans.

I shrugged, looking up at the starless sky. "I've been coming here every night." A breeze blew by, making me shiver and sink into my hoodie.

"I remember," Jungkook said. "The last time we were here." I started to laugh, letting myself be reminded of that time.

"We made a deal." I said, receiving a serious nod from the latter. He turned around, our faces were inches away.

"So," Jungkook leaned in. "Am I the handsomest yet?" He began to lean in more and closed his eyes, but I put my hand on his chest.

"Jungkook," I whispered. "I have a boyfriend."

It was as if the time stopped. Jungkook's eyes opened, as he leaned back and started to laugh.

"Of course you do," he said, laughing more, making me feel a bit guilty. "Why wouldn't you?" He stood up, his laughter stopped. I watched him walk away, climbing back through his bedroom window, with a stern expression on his face.

I looked up, the moon was a full moon tonight. I could never sleep when it was a full moon. I smiled, remembering how I would always fall asleep on the roof, but wake up in my bed. But that was only when he was here, I always woke up on the roof when Jungkook left. Back then, I didn't know if he would ever come back; and if he did, I expected him to have found a girlfriend himself. I didn't know that, even now, he still remembered that deal 4 years ago.


The next morning, as agreed, everyone met in front of Jungkook's house. Mrs. Jeon invited us for breakfast, as Mr. Jeon rushed out for work.

"Wow," Mrs. Jeon said, placing a plate of pancakes on the table. "You guys grew so much." Jimin hummed, stuffing his face with a pancake.

"I can't believe Jungkookie changed so much!" He exclaimed, ruffling the said boy's hair.

"Yah hyung, I just styled it." Jungkook whined, patting his head. We all laughed, finishing the last of the pancakes.

We walked to school with happiness; Jimin and Taehyung were blabbering about football club. Meanwhile, Hyerim and I were talking about a new tech shop that just opened.

As we approached the school, I could see Jackson already waiting at the gate. The moment we saw each other, he waved and walked to us. My smiled dropped, as I saw that he was eyeing Jungkook (who was laughing with the others).

"Hey babe," Jackson put his arm around my shoulder. "Who's this?" He nodded towards Jungkook. The latter stopped talking, looking towards Jackson with an unreadable expression.

"This is Jungkook," I said. "He's our neighbour." Jackson seemed convinced, nodding and excused us from the group. I hoped that he wasn't angry, especially before school.


Until lunch time, I tried my best to focus on my lessons. I ignored Hyerim's questions, and Jungkook's stares. At lunch, I stayed silent whilst I listened to Jackson boast about how he was appointed football captain.

"You OK?" Jackson asked, putting his hand on my thigh, which I tried to push off but he was too strong.

"Yeah, just tired." I excused myself from the table, going to my classroom and seeing that no one was there. I exhaled, sliding the door open and stepping inside. I had no idea what to do. It was easier when I was in middle school, because Jackson was in high school and we didn't see each other that much. Once the summer holidays started, we started to hang out more – until that fight we had.

I took a deep breath in. I just had to survive a year, then we won't see each other much (since Jackson will graduate).


There I was again, on the roof by myself. The sun was beginning to set, creating a beautiful soft orange light in the sky. I was enjoying the birds chirping, when my phone vibrated in my jogging bottom's pocket. I fished it out, clicking the home screen and squinting when the bright screen popped up.


Jackson: There's going to be a party on Friday, at the usual club. Dress nicely.

I gulped. It was another one of those parties, where people got too drunk and did things they regret the next morning. I replied an "OK" and put my phone back in my pocket, getting up to go back to my bedroom.

A/N: Oooh~ I have no idea if you guys like this or not (since no one comments) ㅠㅠ

Question: if you were Aeri, would you have kissed Jungkook (the roof part)?

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