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"Taehyung, let me go!" I whined, as my brother dragged me to our door. From what I heard, Jungkook had called Taehyung when he saw me outside of the club. Curse that club for being so close to home.

"Tae, I said let me go!" I yanked my hand away, running to the living room and sitting on the couch. I watched Taehyung walk back and forth, ruffling his hair in frustration until he stopped right in front of me.

"Do you know what could've happened to you, young lady?" He asked, his face becoming red from anger. I pouted, looking down at my lap.

"I'm sorry, but please," I paused, still looking up with my puppy eyes, as convincing as I can possibly be. "Please don't tell mum and dad." Taehyung rubbed the side of his forehead, exhaling from frustration.

"Fine..." he said. "I won't tell them... But from now on, you must: always be with either me, Jimin or Jungkook." My jaw dropped, it was as if I was a child again.

"But oppa." I whined, trying to act cute but failing when I hiccuped.

Taehyung shook his head. "No, now go upstairs and go to bed." I stared at him, before huffing and storming upstairs. There were errands I had to do; so I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, done some bits and bobs, and got to my bed, and put my phone on charge. Phew.

I checked my missed calls; there were four from Hyerim, ten from Taehyung and one from Jackson. There weren't any text messages. I would've expected Jungkook to call, but then I remembered he probably didn't have my phone number. I heard some creaking coming from the roof; it was tempting to go up, but I was still mad. Instead, I put my phone on my nightstand and went to sleep.


Throughout the weekend, I refused to go out. Taehyung also stayed home, so our parents were becoming weirded out by our anti-social behaviour. Hyerim and Jimin came round sometimes, but I refused to go out of my room.

It was Tuesday morning, when Hyerim reminded me of her birthday.

"Yeah, mum and dad are letting Jimin look after me. So, I wanted to throw a party for my 16th birthday!" She squealed. I nodded, smiling at her excitement. Hyerim was so cute when she was excited, it was something that she shared with her brother. Lessons started, but all I could think about was what to get my best friend. Lunchtimes were the same as always, however I'm pretty sure even Jackson noticed the glares my brother was giving him.

"What did I do?" Jackson whispered in my ear, honestly I was becoming annoyed with his obliviousness. Because of him, I nearly got raped and I got in trouble. But instead of speaking my mind, I smiled and shrugged.


At the end of the school day, Taehyung and Jimin met Hyerim, Jungkook and I by the school gate. Hyerim talked about inviting half the school to her birthday party. Compared to an average house, our neighbourhood's houses were pretty large. Most of the people that lived there were pretty well-off too, which was something my parents taught me to be grateful for.

As Hyerim continued to tell us the details, we had already reached the street. Taehyung and I bid farewell to everyone, silently going into our own house. I was still not talking to my brother, but it wasn't as if he tried to. I took off my shoes, walking up the stairs.

"Aeri," Taehyung spoke, making me stop in the middle of my walk. "Do you want to order pizza?" I gulped. If there was something that I would agree to, pizza was it. No Aeri, you can't give in.

"I'm not hungry." ‭I said, before rushing towards my bedroom and slamming the door behind me.

It took about forty minutes, after I had changed clothes and started on my homework, when Taehyung knocked on my door.

"Aeri, I have pizza," his voice sounded guilty, but I ignored him and continued working on an algebra equation. "It's your favourite: pepperoni." I groaned, he wasn't making this easy. I slammed my maths book shut, getting up and opening the door. Taehyung stood there, with no pizza.

"Where is it?" I asked, frowning.

Taehyung grinned his rectangle smile. "Downstairs." I couldn't hold back my own smile, as I walked past him and slowly stepped down the stairs. The smell of pepperoni pizza hit my face, making me nearly cry from realising how hungry I was. I haven't been eating properly in school lately, mostly because every time I tried I got thrown off by the conversations at my lunch table.

"Sweet pizza lord." I mumbled, sniffing in the mouth watering smell. I lounged at the couch, grabbing a piece of extra-cheesy pizza and taking a huge bite of it.

"Woah, slow down." Taehyung joined me – who was already on my second slice – on the couch and taking a pizza slice himself.

"How has high school been?" Taehyung suddenly asked, making me stop chewing and look down. Honestly, I have missed talking to my brother – or anyone, in fact – about my problems. But in reality, the only solution to my problems was me, only I could fix them.

I put on a weak smile. "It's been good." Taehyung hesitated, before nodding and going over to the DVD shelf. I watched him pick up and put down DVDs, before he smiled and picked up a light blue DVD case.

"We haven't watched this in a while." Taehyung muttered, slightly giggling to himself. I chuckled, a bit confused about what he was talking about. When Tae crashed on the couch again, I was about to ask him but he shushed me and began the movie. The movie started with the Disney's trademark castle, then music began to play. It was sung by men, and soon it was showing ice being cut out from an ice lake. And then I realised.

I tried to hold back my smile. "Tae-"

"Shh, it's about to show little Elsa and Anna." He took a bite of another pizza slice, leaving me the last one of the box. I chuckled at how cute Taehyung looked when he tried to focus on the movie, but also aim the cheese to go straight into his mouth.

The movie continued. There were moments we laughed, cried and even became angry at how deceitful Hans was. Nevertheless, we enjoyed it and, for that moment, we were just brother and sister that were playing with each other like the old times.

A/N: I have a whole week of tests this week, so I decided to update at 6am. 😅

Question: Enjoying this so far? Is there anything I can improve? (I know it's two questions but oh well).

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