BTS percent of how conceited they are

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Seokjin: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%

Yoongi: 420%

Hoseok: 0.1% (A/n ARMY let's focus a little more on hobi and boost his confidence, an incident happened on v app last month and I feel like we should support him more. Fr tho he is my bias-wrecker)

Namjoon: 69%

Jimin: 101%

Taehyung: 199%

Jungkook: 50%

You know how in high school you're supposed to find who you are and where you fit in, I just found out I fit in with the guys and girls at the skate park across from my school.

Although they smoke a lot of weed (even tho the police department is like right next to it) they chill af.


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