Just stay with me...

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I woke up before lapis and yawned at first. I wasn't sure where I was this large white and blue room wasn't mine. After moving a bit I noticed lapis was still clinging to me like a child with a teddy bear. I couldn't help but smile softly I look at the clock and my eyes widen it was 9:40 I had to get home before the others knew I was gone. I slipped out of lapises grasp and got dressed. I was about to put on my glasses when I heared lapis move I looked back and she was looking at me. I blush softly and smile awkwardly "morning lapis how did you sleep?" She sat up and looked at me holding the blankets to her chest "are you leaving?" She almost seemed upset about it. I nod slowly and she looked down I frown and walk to her and hug her tight "Don't look sad lapis...you know I can't stay longer the others will suspect something.." She says nothing she just hugs back for a few seconds. The thing about silence is it makes everything upsetting. I held lapises hand and sighed lapis finally said "you don't have to go...you can stay with me.." I blush deeply. Did she just ask me to move in with her? I look at lapis and blink "I will think about it okay lapis?" She sighs and nods. I got ready and got my keys. "I love you lapis..." I say looking at her. She looked so upset "I love you too..." She said I kiss her cheek and walk out to my car. I felt my heart jerk as I drove away.

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