I can't hear the Music.

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*15 votes till the next chapter. but can we get to 20!!??

I opened my eyes from my sleep, blinking a few times as I noticed an overly excited Katie staring at me. I jumped, crawling back further into my bed - trying to get away from her.

“What are you doing!?” I signed, trying to restart my heart-beat, seeing as her being there had officially stopped it, “Are you crazy!?” I finished, glaring at her. Though part of my glare was complete disbelief. I had locked my window when I went to bed the night previous, and looking over, it was wide open - which meant Katie had somehow jimmied my lock open, and was now sitting happily on my bed.

She giggled a bit, completely ignoring my previous statement, “I HAVE EXCITING NEWS,” she sign-screamed. I crossed my arms, cocking an eyebrow - showing that beyond my anger of her sneaking into my room, I really wanted to know what her exciting news was.

She smiled an evilly stupid smile - she wanted me to beg. I rolled my eyes, crawling out of my bed and making my way towards the bathroom. I really needed to pee, and peeing is way more important than learning useless information from Katie.

“Care-bear! Listen to me!” She whined - Katie always called me care-bear. She thought it was clever.

I cocked my eyebrow, “Katherine Marie Hamilton, I am not going to beg you to tell me you’re ‘news’,” I signed, crossing my arms - I could feel my bladder about to explode, “and make it fast,” I snapped.

I would have waited - but man, did I need to pee. As Katie lifted her hands to sign, I swiftly turned on the balls of my feet and ran for the bathroom. I ran inside, almost peeing myself in the process. As I sat down on the toilet, about to finally release my bladder, Katie busted in the door.

I face palmed, trying to cover myself up with my shirt, “Why do you do this to me?” I signed, as she stood in front of me. She laughed, turning around and holding up her hand, spelling “B-E-T-T-E-R.” I groaned, pulling my shorts back up and walking over to sink to wash my hands.

“Back to my news,” She signed, “My dad said we could spend a week in his beach house in California! And bring friends!” A huge smile was on her face, “You could bring Liam,” She winked. I groweled, flicking the water on my hands off on her face. She covered her face, trying desperately to make me stop, which made me laugh victoriously.


I hated Katie - I hated her so much. I hated her for buying me clothes to take on this trip. I hated her for sneaking into my room, AGAIN, and putting them in my suitcase. I hated her as she dragged me down the stairs. I hated her as I climbed into the back of her dad’s van, or, well, was pushed into the back of her dad’s van. I hated her as I sat down next to the window, clicking my seat-belt into the thingy. I hated her as I crossed my arms, looking out the window at her piling everybody else into the car.

She was bringing me, Hailey, Arrow and Liam - The usual suspects. We all really needed to find other people to hang out with. I laughed as she pushed Liam, trying desperately to get him to sit in the front with her dad. Nobody ever wanted to sit with her dad, and I’d made the mistake of relaying the message to Liam. Her dad had the tendency to talk about anything and everything under the sun. Not only that, but he talked it down.


Liam: Wow, the sunrise is really pretty.

Mr. Hamilton: It could be better. When I was a boy...)

Katie climbed in next to me, and on the other side of her was Arrow. Hailey and Liam sat in the farthest back side of the van. I looked over at Katie, who had a bubbly smile on her face. I glared at her, “Why am I friends with you, again?” I signed. She smiled bigger, wrapping her arms around me. I groaned, giving her a sort of half-hearted, one armed hug. She accepted the lame hug though, and went back to bouncing in her seat, happily.

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