When Stress Becomes Too Much...

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Strolling carelessly over to the kitchen table was Joker, who sat himself down across from Harley. With her eyes still teary from earlier, the young mother looked down at the plates sniffling.
Smirking, Joker nodded his head at her, "You been chopping onions, honey?" He asked, as Harley gave her best fake smile.
"Yep." She replied in short, turning to Lucy and beginning to spoon-feed her daughter.

Sighing, Joker clasped his hands together and stared straight at his wife. "It's about before, isn't it?" He asked, as she pouted her lips.
"Listen, Harley. You know me well enough to know that I don't accept back chat. Anyways, I thought you liked it when I hurt you?" Joker smiled, slicing his steak in half.
Harley shook her head, "I do, it's just...I don't like when ya do it in front of the little ones."
Wiping her eyes once more, Harley picked up her own knife and fork, beginning to eat the now-cold food on her plate.

"Oh come on, Harls. You know I'd do anything for you, even if it meant in front of the children." Joker sniggered, watching Jack stuff his face with mashed potato.
Coughing for Jack's attention, Joker raised his eyes at his son, gesturing for him to eat properly.
"Ha, you sure do." Harley grinned, reaching across the table for the salt, but knocking over her glass of wine. Spilling the shiny red alcohol over her lap, Harley yelled out in panic, "Shit! Shit, oh god!"
Joker sniggered, "Klutz."

Growling and grabbing her serviette, Harley mopped and dabbed at her lap, now stained with the red liquid. "My favourite dress!" She yelled, as Lucy began to cry.
Not succeeding with cleaning her wine-stained dress, Harley threw her head into her hands, as the blissful sound of her baby's cry echoed the room.
Picking up Lucy in his arms, Joker eyed Harley with surprise.
"I haven't seen her this hysterical since...Well, I've never seen her this hysterical!" He spoke to Lucy, as Harley continued to cry and moan at the dinner table.
"Uhm, Harley?" Joker worriedly asked, as she shook her head.
"It hurts." She cried, "The crying hurts." She kept her head down, but pointed at Lucy, who continuously wept her eyes out.
Nodding in understanding, Joker walked out of the room with Lucy, nudging Jack to follow.

Taking both children into the nursery, Joker sat them down and calmly spoke to them.
"Listen, you two. Mommy is feeling a little bit sad right now, so how about you just leave her on her own for a little while?" He asked, as Jack looked around and nodded.
Meanwhile, Lucy's cries were silenced by Joker's stroke to her head. Settling her down in the crib, Joker grinned. "There we go. All better." He whispered, leaving the room and taking Jack to his bedroom.

"Story?" The green haired boy asked his father, who smiled. "What kind of story?" He asked, as Jack laughed "A fairytale."
Joker pretended to vomit, "How about I tell my own fairytale?"
Tucking the child into bed, Joker looked around, before starting off with the bedtime story.
"Once upon a time, a lady named Dr. Harleen Quinzel worked at a nice little hospital for funny people. One day in particular, Dr Quinzel met a funny man who deci----"
"Daddy! It's you and mommy!" Jack called out, realising what the story was about.
Raising his eyebrows, Joker nodded, "Smart kid."


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