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"Shut up!" Joker shouted to his wife in a whisper, walking slowly to the storage room. Shrugging without a care, Harley trailed behind, squeezing out the excess water from her hair.

"No!" The voice screamed out again, it sounded high pitched and child-like.
Harley immediately stopped in her tracks, "I recognise that voice from anywhere." She muttered, pushing Joker out of the way.
"Oi!" He whispered, attempting to pull her back, failing to do so.

"Ugh, the door's locked!" Harley moaned, tugging at he handle. Taking her baseball bat, she took a swing at the door, which was lucky to be flimsy enough to split in two.
"Help me!" Harley called out to Joker, who pushed her out of the way and kicked down the remaining pieces of door, then climbing through into the room.
Harley followed, panting with exhaustion.

The room was dark, and the only source of light was a small candle in the centre of the room.

Holding his arm in front of Harley for protection, Joker called out "Crane! I want a word." He looked around...nothing.

A muffled scream suddenly shocked the two of them, as Harley placed her hand on the wall, looking for a light switch.

She suddenly felt her hand move over a wet substance on the wall. Flinching back in disgust, Harley squinted her eyes, until she realised what is was.
"Blood," she whispered. On closer inspection, Harley noticed the blood was spelling out something.
Trying to figure out the writing, Harley spoke aloud, "C-congraa-tulations." She read.
"Yes, congratulations." A deep voice whispered.

Joker's eyes lit up with shock, as his vision adjusted to the darkness. He laid his eyes upon a small figure on the floor, with a hand over its mouth. Following the hand upwards, he noticed it was attached to another body.

"It's Crane," he whispered, as Harley spun around and walked to her husband.
Squinting, she soon saw the same thing he did, and gasped.
"Puddin, I'm scared." She whispered to him, as he nodded in fear. Taking his hand gun out slowly, Joker pointed it at the figure covering the child's mouth.

"So, what do you think?" Jonathan asked in a deep voice, making Harley shiver with unpleasantness, "Pretty clever, hey?" Joker shook his head, "Lame."
Jonathan stood up and walked straight towards Joker, who tightened his grip on the gun.

"Is that so? Because I'd say you looked pretty scared just then." Jonathan remarked, before letting a small chuckle escape his mouth.

Joker shrugged, "You fooled me, I'll give you that."
Harley pushed through, "Where is he?" She asked, giving him a stern look.
Jonathan walked backwards, picking up from the ground a small child.
This time, it was actually Jack. Human Jack.

Sighing with relief, Harley looked at her son, who looked overjoyed to see his parents.
"Okay, he's here. Alive and well."
Jonathan stated, walking over to Harley.
"You. You ran off. The wedding was supposed to be today, you know that?" Jonathan told, scowling.
She smirked, "You didn't really think I was gonna marry you, ya filthy slob?! I'm a one man kinda gal, and my man is!" She stated, standing next to Joker, who nodded with satisfaction.

"Sure." Jonathan responded, putting Jack on the floor and punching Harley in the jaw.
She screamed, dropping her baseball bat and falling to the floor.
Joker was about to run to her side, before Jonathan stopped and looked at him, pulling out a gun and aiming it at Harley.

"Don't you dare." Joker warned.
Jonathan took no notice, putting one finger over the trigger and steadying himself for the big moment.
"Three...two....on--- OW!" He suddenly yelled, feeling a large pain in his left leg. Looking down, Jonathan noticed Jack wielding a baseball bat in the air, constantly swinging it at Mr Crane.

"Would you cut it out?!" Jonathan screamed out to Jack, who laughed as he continuously hit Jonathan with the bat.
Joker's frown soon turned to a smile, as he quickly rushed to Harley and picked her up.
Jonathan was ready to aim the gun at Jack, before Harley punched him in the jaw. "What the--you bitch!" He shouted, as he dropped his gun on the ground in pain. He rubbed his jaw.
"Payback!" She yelled at him.

"Here ya go, JJ!" Joker whispered to Jack, who put down the bat and took the gun from his father's hands.
"Make daddy proud." Joker finished, letting his son take control of the weapon.

Jonathan gulped, searching for his gun, realising he had dropped it, and began searching the ground for it.
"It's too dark," he whispered in fear, as he stood up, laying his eyes on Jack.
Smiling, the little boy aimed the gun at Jonathan, and walked towards him, pulling the trigger.
But instead of bullets, a small red flag shot out from the gun, reading 'BANG!'.
Looking at the flag, Jonathan sighed, "Phew, that was cl--"

Jack pulled the trigger once more, as the long blade carrying the flag shot right into the centre of Jonathan's chest.

Silence. A tall man with a frowning face dropped dead on the ground. Two maniacs began to laugh hysterically.
A small child squealed with joy.

"Jack!" Harley screamed, picking him up and spinning him around in her arms. "Mommy!" He shouted back, throwing his arms around her neck.
In the background stood Joker, who smiled at the sight with his hands in his pockets.
Harley turned around to her husband and put Jack on the floor, who ran to his father straight away.
Putting his arms out to Jack, Joker hugged his son and laughed, "It's good to have ya back, little J." He whispered.

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