Boy in a Bird Suit

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"So you put that block there, then you switch this one around.." Brodie demonstrated in front of Jack how to use the new Lego set he bought his nephew.
Jack smiled in understanding, "Can I have a go?" He asked, as his uncle nodded and gave him a block, to which he picked up and placed it on top of another.
A sudden crash from the living room window took Jack, Brodie and Milly by surprise, as they all immediately stood up in panic.
"What's was that?" Milly yelled, as the three of them looked at each other with utter most concern.

Brodie shrugged, "Stay here with Jack, I'll check it out." He spoke, a tone of calmness in his voice, as he walked into the living room.
"Geezus, what the--"
"Where are they?" An incredibly deep and monotone voice asked from behind the broken window, as the tall and dark figure made its way into the house.
Brodie took a few steps back,
"W-who are you?" He nervously asked back, picking up Harley's baseball bat that conveniently laid on the floor in the hallway.

The figure approached the nervous man, who suddenly realised who it was.
"Batman?" Brodie suddenly stopped walking backwards, "Why the hell are you here?" He knew why, but he wasn't going to risk giving too much away.

"Joker and Harley. Where are they?" He grumbled, taking Brodie's neck and holding him up in the air.
Gasping for air, Brodie spoke through heavy breaths, "I don't're..talking..about"
Not convinced, Batman made the grip on Brodie's neck tighter, before suddenly dropping him to the floor. He looked beyond the man who sat on the floor rubbing his neck, and glanced upon a small boy who looked fearful of him.
"Jack?" Batman grumbled, walking over to the green haired boy and crouching down at his height.
"Your mom and dad, I need you to tell me where they are." He spoke, grabbing the boy's arms forcefully.
Unexpectedly, Batman received not the response he was wishing for, but a simple smack to the face.
"Stupid batsy!" Jack yelled, running to the house phone and picking it up. He quickly ran outside, hiding into a small shrub that lay just before the tall house gates.

This kid had some smarts, that's for sure. Jack nervously dialled a couple of numbers into the phone, hoping they were right. Pressing the green button, Jack put his ear to the speaker and stayed his quietest, as he heard footsteps walking out of the house.

"Hello?" A familiar voice asked over the phone.
"D-daddy?" Jack stuttered with nervousness, letting a few stray tears stream down his cheek.
"Jack? Are you okay?"
Joker fearfully asked back, sitting in the passenger seat of the Lamborghini.
"B-man! He's here!" Jack whispered in a cry, watching as the dark knight himself wandered out of the house and down the drive, approaching the bush that Jack hid inside.

In terror, Jack pressed the red button on the phone, ending the call. Lucky for him, no sound could be heard from outside the bush, as Jack froze in his position, trying his best not to be seen by Batman.

Meanwhile, Joker and Harley were speeding back to the house, making no effort to avoid hit and run.
"Mistah J?" Harley cried from the driver's seat, "Please just tell me what's wrong? What did Jack say?" She felt her limbs go weak and her stomach begin to turn as they pulled up at the house.

Driving straight through the gates at the bottom of the driveway, Joker jumped out of the car, approaching Batman. The dark knight stood with his fists clenched, waiting for Joker to talk.

"What the hell are you doing here? Where's my son?" He spat in Batman's face, as Harley yelled out, "Puddin'! I found Jack, he's over here." She picked up her frightened son, who lay in the small bush.

Looking back, Joker ripped out the gun from his holster, aiming it straight at Batman's head.
"I always wanted to do this the traditional Joker way, but seeing as you asked for it," Joker placed one finger on the trigger, before Batman murmured ever so slightly.
"Have fun in Arkham," he looked at Joker in the eye, smirking.
"What are you talking about?" He asked back with concern, keeping a steady grip on the gun.

"When the police find out that you killed me, they'll send you straight back to Arkham. Nice plan for someone who's got another baby on the way." He nodded to Harley, who stood behind Joker holding Jack.

"Shut up, B-man! Let Mistah J do his thing!" Harley yelled out, sticking out her tongue.
Jack mimicked his mother, saying "Yeah! Shut up, B-man!"
Joker grinned, "Wanna see what's in the boot of my car?" He asked, as Batman closely watched Joker open the boot, taking out a heavy bag.
Inside, was something squirming around, hanging on to dear life.
"The hell is that?" Batman asked, as Joker unzipped it and revealed a boy inside.
The boy was slightly smaller than Batman, with duct tape around his mouth, wearing a distinct suit.
The boy was Jason Todd, more commonly known as Robin.

"Jason," Batman whispered to himself, as he attempted to run towards the bag, only to be stopped by a heavy baseball bat swing to the head. Falling to the ground, Batman's eyes closed, for what would be the last time he would ever lay eyes upon Jason Todd.

"Sweet dreams, sucker." Harley spoke kindly to Batman, as Milly ran down the driveway with her boyfriend.
"Harley!" Milly screamed, hugging her sister and glancing at Jack. "Batman was hurting Brodie and interrogating him..and Jack ran off...and...and" She spoke fast with nervousness, as Harley held her sister's shoulders.
"It's okay! We're here now!" She assured Milly, who took a deep breathe and nodded.
"Right. Well, we're gonna head off now. You sure there's nothing else you need help with?" She asked, to which Harley shook her head, looking at Joker.

"I think Mistah J's got everything under control now." She spoke, as Joker took out his crowbar from the car, smiling.

As Milly and Brodie reversed into the road, Harley and Jack waved, with Joker behind them.
"Harley!" He yelled to his wife, nudging her.
She gasped, "Oh yeah, right!" She put down Jack and stood next to the unconscious Bat, who miserably lay on the ground.
Picking up his arms, Harley dragged him to the a van that stood outside the house, placing him by the door.

"Rocco!" Harley yelled to the henchman, who wearily waited for her word. "Take him away!" She finished, as the tired driver turned the ignition on, pulling out onto the road.

Once the van had driven out sight, Harley put her thumbs up to Joker, who grinned with eagerness.
Raising the crowbar in the air, Joker spoke quietly to his son.
"Now, Jack. This is something I want you to see."

Joker continuously bashed the crowbar against Robin's head, grunting with satisfaction on every hit. Joker, Harley and Jack laughed maniacally, as they witnessed the death of a boy in a bird suit.

 Joker, Harley and Jack laughed maniacally, as they witnessed the death of a boy in a bird suit

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