Chapter 18 - Mon Amour....

Start from the beginning

"Huh? O-oh! The flower you gave me? Yes..... It's lovely...."

"I remember hearing a story about these flowers before.... They are called the legend flower of Kanto. They are extremely rare. Each Region has its own."

"Oh yea I remember..... Doesn't it depict the legendary Pokemon of each region?"

"That's correct..... The blue is for the Pokemon Arcticuno, the yellow Zapdos, the red Moltres..."

Serena pulls the flower she found out. It had red peddles with pink. It's actually different than what Ash had found.

Serena thought in her mind.... "Isn't this? It's is! It's the love Blossom!"

Ash reaches down next to him and finds the exact same flower. Again there were no other flowers like this.
Ash knew it was the love blossom and was turning to give it to Serena.

They both turned to face each other each holding up one blossom each.

"Oh....." They say at the same time.

There was a legend to these flowers.

The legend is that if two people, alone in a forest or field, each come across a love blossom, that they love each other. If one person finds one but not the other they weren't meant to be. But they fulfilled the first part....

"Well.... This is..."

Ash nods his head. He puts the flower next to them. Serena does the same and is blushing again.

A few minutes of silence later the forest Pokemon start making music. All the cries of the different Pokemon create a beautiful tune.

Ash gets up and offers his hand to Serena. She stays shocked for a few seconds but quickly grabs his hand.

Ash pulls her up into a hugging position. Just like the one they were in when Ash saved her at the camp those years ago.

Ash starts to slowly spin. Serena does the same.

They start dancing in circles around the clearing and seem to be very much enjoying themselves. They slowly change positions. Serena wraps her arms around Ash's neck, and Ash wraps his around Serena's waist.

They look into each other's eyes and keep dancing. They continue for the next 5 minutes until the Pokemon stop their song.

Ash and Serena are standing. They are back to hugging and seem to be real relaxed.

"A-Ash.... I... I...." Serena says looking up at him.

Before Serena can finish though Ash's lips are against hers. She's in shock for a few seconds. She slowly closes her eyes and embraces the kiss.

While they are in the middle of their kiss it starts raining. The couple don't care. They don't have a single care in the world.... They are simply....  In love...

Serena is the first to break the kiss. They are still standing out in the rain. Serena puts her chin on Ash's shoulder.

Ash hugs her again, putting his head on hers.

"Je t'aime mon amour......" ("I love you my love") Ash says.

Serena is shocked to hear him say that. She quickly responds.

"Je t'aime aussi..." ("I love you to") Serena responds.

They stand in the rain for a short amount of time before they head back into the tree trunk.

Ash pulls Serena next to him. She puts her head on his shoulder and closes her eyes. Ash slowly also closes his.

"tu es mon amour et de la vie...." (You are my love and life) Ash says as he drifts off to sleep.

The words "Mon Amour", or "My love" were replaying in Serena's head.
She smiled and also drifted off to sleep.

Ash and Serena wondered into the forest.... The finally had their first kiss and spoke some French..
I guess you could call them
"amants officiels" or "Official Lovers" now.....

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