Chapter 5 - Serena's Contest debut!

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*NOTE - not many writing mistake were present as in grammar and spelling but that happened more and more down the road*

Today is the day for Serena's debut. For all the trainers now turned coordinators this is their first Contest. Most of these coordinators watched tons of videos on contests in both Hoenn and Sinnoh before it even came to Kanto

Serena practiced and watched a few video last night. She finally got a decent routine down and was ready to go. She was using Butterfree the first round and Charla in her second.

"Serena and Ash slow down!!" Misty shouted

"Well I have to keep up to Serena!" Ash answers back.

"And I want to register before its to late!"

"Well at least slow down a little. Let us keep pace." Brock says.

"Fine." Serena says slowing down. Ash follows.

"I am so nervous!" Serena says walking into the hall and sees a bunch of coordinators all dressed nicely. Serena gasps. "I don't have a dress!"

"And I have that covered!" Ash says holding up a dress with a tiara.

(Her dress is down below)

(Her dress is down below)

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"A-Ash..... It's beautiful.. How'd you know I'd like it?!"

"I've been your friend for 5 years Serena! I've caught on to what you like!"

"Ash thank you so much!" Serena says hugging Ash and lightly blushing.

"Now go sign up! Here's your dress... We'll be cheering for you all the way!"

"That's right!" Brock and Misty say.

"Thanks guys!" Serena runs off to the front desk.

"Is this where I sign up for the Pokemon contests?"

"Yes Ma'am just let me see your Pokedex."

"Here you go." Serena takes out her Pokedex handing it to the lady.

She puts the pokedex into a machine. A picture shows up on a screen above Serena. "Serena Yvonne from Pallet town now registered." Are the words that showed under her picture.

"Now here's you ribbon case and your Pokedex back."

"Thank you but what's a ribbon case?"

"A ribbon case is where you put the ribbons that you win into so you can keep track of them!"

"Ok.. Thanks again!" Serena shouts running off to the changing room. She sees Ash, Misty, and Brock heading to the stage.

She gets changed and puts her stuff in a locker. "All set! Wait.... Where's my tiara!" Serena shouts starting to freak out.

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