Chapter 2

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Lauren's POV:

"Lauren, head over to table 7!"

My boss yelled. I just finished the French fries for another customer so I had to save my boss's order for later. After I made my way to the customer and gave him his fries, I walked over to table 7. Little did I know that the customer I would soon serve was the girl of my dreams. I've had a crush on her since a couple months ago.

Her eyes were a beautiful dark brown and her hair was like silk.
Okay, keep it together Lauren. Don't screw this up. This is your chance.
I've never talked to her before so I assured myself to not mess this up. I took a deep breath.

"Hi my name is Lauren and I'll be taking your order."

My heart fluttered as I saw her smile at me.
OMG she smiled at me! Does she like me?? Stop yourself Lauren, she's probably straight. You're making all of this up in your head.

"Hi Lauren, can I have a house salad with balsamic vinaigrette?" The stunning brunette asked.

Holy crap! That is what I have when I'm on break! We already have something in common!

"Of course! Would you like anything else?"

"Actually yes, can you make that two?"

Why was she asking for two? She was the only one sitting there.... Oh well, the customer is always right.

"Sure thing! I'll be right back." I assured her.

Camila's POV:

Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! That was a horrible idea!
I made a plan to make it seem like I was going on a date with someone. Then I would say I was stood up and ask her to join me. My heart was beating faster by the second. About 10 minutes later she returned with both salads in her hands. I was surprised that she was able to balance them at once.

I pretended to look at my phone and faked a frown.
"Ugh." I mumbled in hopes that the beautiful young lady would hear.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asked with a concerned tone and look on her face.

"I was just stood up by my date."

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry about that." Lauren said.

"Thanks... It's okay. But now I don't know what I'm going to do with this extra salad.... W..Would you like to join me?"

Lauren's POV:

"Would you like to join me?"
Her words repeated in my head over and over again. I could easily accept her offer since my lunch break initially was supposed to start a couple minutes ago. I didn't leave though because I couldn't decline the opportunity to be her waitress. I saw her 15 minutes ago and I thought today couldn't get any better, but it did! My heart is beating out of my chest!!

"That is a very kind offer but I can just take the salad back to the kitchen." I said to the beautiful young woman.

Why did I decline?!?! I'm so freaking stupid! What the hell did I just do???? I rambled over and over in my mind until I was interrupted by her voice.

"No please stay! I.... I mean if you don't want to that's okay. But I would love to have lunch with you!" The stunning woman said.

This is my chance.

"I'd love to!" The words escaped my lips without any hesitation.
A half an hour went by and talking to her was amazing! Her name is Camila and she is from Miami. I had the nerves to ask her about what happened with her date. She she said that her date stood her up for an unknown reason and it turned out, her date was a girl! I was so happy because I might have a chance of dating her.

"I have to go but it was nice meeting you Lauren." The Miami native said.

My heart sank. I didn't know if I would ever see her again.
Or would I? I have to think of a plan! Think Lauren think. Oh!! I could write my number on her receipt and hope that she would call me! Yes! That's exactly what I'll do!!!

"It was nice meeting you too! I'll be right back with your check."

I walked over to the register with a large smile on my face. I then watched the thin piece of paper escape from the small slot in the machine. I took the receipt along with a black pen and wrote my phone number on it. I made my way back to Camila's table and gave her the receipt. She looked at it and I assumed she saw my number because she looked up at me and smiled.
God her smile is beautiful.
The rest of the day was a blur because Camila was the only thing on my mind. It was 4:30 and that meant that my shift was over. I went outside and walked over to my black Jeep. I drove away and turned on some music. A couple minutes later I arrived at my apartment. I stepped into the elevator that would soon bring me to my room. Sooner then I thought, I arrived on my floor.

I entered my room and sat on my soft white couch. I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew, the sky was pitch black. I heard a faint ringing noise. I looked over at the kitchen table and saw my phone buzzing. It said Unknown Caller. I was really hoping that it was it was Camila. Reluctant to decline the call, I answered it.

Lauren: Hello?
Camila: Hi Lauren. It's Camila from the diner.


Lauren: Hi Camila how are you?
Camila: I'm good, how are you?
Lauren: Good, thank you.
Camila: No problem! I'm sorry I had to cut our conversation short, I had to catch a flight for an audition I was going to be late for.
Lauren: It's alright. What was the audition for?
Camila: It was for "Wicked" at the Broadway Theatre.
Lauren: That's amazing! What part did you audition for?
Camila: Glinda
Lauren: I'm sure you'll get the part.
Camila: And why do you think that?
Lauren: Because Glinda is the most beautiful girl in the play.
Shit! I actually said that to her! I should have been more subtle!
Camila: Are you flirting with me?
Lauren: No... I mean sorta... I mean.... ummm...
Camila: Well that would be a shame if you said no because I kinda like you.

Camila POV:

DAMNIT!! Did I just admit that I have feelings for her?! I shouldn't have said that! What if she thinks I'm crazy?
Lauren: Well then in that case, yes I was sorta flirting with you.
Camila: Well in that case, how would you like to come over to my place tomorrow to have lunch?
Lauren: That would be great! I'd love to!
Camila: Great! I'll text you the address.
Lauren: Okay cool! I guess I'll see you tomorrow.
Camila: See you tomorrow. Bye.
Lauren: Bye

"Oh my God!!!!" I screamed. "She likes me!!! She really likes me! I better get to bed so tomorrow will come sooner!"
"Keep it down over there I'm trying to sleep!!!" My neighbor said.
Her name is Ms. Gray. Which is a pretty fitting name for her since she's sort of a gray person.

It was 11:38pm so I should be going to bed anyway. I was pretty tired because I had to catch a flight to NYC that I almost missed. It surprisingly only took about 8 hours to get there, audition, and fly back.
I put on my pajamas and jumped into my bed.
"Tomorrow is going to be a great day." I told myself.
I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Hi! I hope you enjoyed the second chapter of my story! I always appreciate feedback so please comment your thoughts and opinions. Thanks!


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