Chapter 11

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Jesy P.O.V

I wake up and see Jade holding perries hand and sleeping with her head on Perrie's thigh while sitting in the chair still, she was softly snoring and her mouth open a bit, Perrie was also asleep but on the hospital bed and had her other hand on top of Jade's. I smile and take a picture then upload it to twitter, many people wrote in asking if the car crash was real, I thought it was best to tell the fans the truth so I wrote to them all saying it was. I sit back in my chair and watch a nurse walk in and clean up then pour four glasses of water and place them on the table and then opens the curtains, "Breakfast will be here in an hour, make sure they are up" she says politely and walks out. 

I keep looking through my phone but stop when I hear a groan, I look over and see Leigh stretching, I point to the other two so she looks, "Aww, they are so sweet" she says and starts fan girling over them, I shake my head and laugh. Jade quickly open her eyes and looks around, "Ah my back is aching" she says, "No wander, you were bent over the bed all night" I say, "Well it was worth it" she says and stares at Perrie. Perrie finally wakes up and stares at us, "Well hello there" she says in a dry voice, Jade passes her the water which she sips carefully not to spill any, "Hello babe, how you feelin" she asks Perrie. Perrie thinks for a second and bites her lip, "Fine, just a bit painful and there are some aching points in my body but I guess it will go, I just want to get out of here and on to a better bed" she says, we laugh in response, "Well at least you didn't get these wood chairs, they feel like stones!" Leigh says, "Yeah and they are hard to sit on, i keep sliding off them" Jade says in her cute voice, "Aww, well I would swap with you three but I don't think I am allowed" Perrie says, "Well we will just have to wait four days and we can go home and sleep in proper beds!" Jade says excited.

Four Days Later

Jade P.O.V

"She can go home today but no roughness, running, jumping, extreme hugging, flipping, anything which can affect her even more, we want her to heal properly so treat her carefully" the doctor says, "Aye, aye captain" we all say, he laughs and walks off to get her tablets to stop the pain. We walk into her bedroom and see she is already dressed in grey trackies, white vest top and blue hoodie with black vans, her hair in a bun. "They said I can't just sit and wait so I had to get dressed" she giggled, "Okay well we better get you home and make up for lost time, we need to watch the new Disney movies and the new hunger games!" I say excited, Perrie laughs and shakes her head. "How old are you?" she asks, "Older than you babe" I say winking, she shakes her head and bites her lip, "What's up?" I ask, "It's just that when ever we think something is going back to normal, something bad happens. My dad then me getting hit by car as you thought I was cheating, Jade I don't want to be hurt again" she says, Leigh walks over and snaps the elastic band on her wrist that stll managed to stay on there, "Not the time you idiot" Jesy says and smacks Leigh's head, "Sorry but she bit her lip" Leigh says shrugging. "You won't be Perrie because from now on I will take better care of you and make sure no one or thing can hurt you as you mean so much to me, I will always be here for you" I say, "I think I am going to be sick, this is way to cheesy" Jesy says in a joke way, "Not the time" Leigh says taking the mick out of Jesy, "Why are you two even here, shouldn't you be getting Perries medicine from the doctor?" I ask, "Oh yeah" Leigh says and runs out along with Jesy. 

We waited an hour until we were finally allowed out the hospital and to take Perrie home, she didn't want a wheel chair and couldn't use crutches as her arm is broken so we decided to take it in turns to carry her, she liked this idea as she said it was more comfy and warmer as she was closer to us. I went first and carried her to the taxi, Jesy and Leigh managed to get the medication after running into a trolley and knocking a trolley over with tools in, honestly the two of them make me wander why they are the oldest and seen as the adult ones of the group.

We walk into our place and lock the doors, I place Perrie on the sofa and come back with a blanket and pillows for us two, we sit down and snuggle then Jesy comes in with hot chocolate for us all and Leigh comes in with nachos, "Oh I see, we make you all nachos and hot chocolate but we don't get a blanket or pillow, favouritism or what hey?" Jesy laughs, "Hey we were cold and you weren't in here at the time, use your legs and get you blanket from your room if you are so bothered"  I say.

After watching movies and having a lush tea we decided to go bed, I carry Perrie up to my room and lay her on the bed, she wraps her good arm around my waist and pulls me in tightly, "I will always love you Jade, just never leave me" she says, "I promise with all my heart, to the moon and back"  I say, she giggles and nuzzles her head into my neck and falls asleep, I smile and join her.


Thank you for all the reads and votes, please vote and comment so I know this is alright, I am a bit stuck at the moment to how I should make it better, if you have any ideas please tell me :)  Also I am thinking of doing another story either Pesy, Zerrie or Lerrie I'm not sure yet x

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