"Good morning sunshine." The blonde greets, putting Camila's cereal and banana in front of her.

"Aloha T-Swizzle." The nineteen year-old greets, before shoving her face with apple-cinnamon cheerios.

Suppressing an eye roll, Taylor hands the girl a napkin, knowing that she'll need one inevitably.

"Have I ever told you, that you eat like a barbarian?"

"OMG, really? Thank you. Dave the Barbarian was one of my favorite shows!"

"You have a terrible obsession with Disney Channel shows. Maybe you should talk to your mom about going back to therapy, this shit is getting weird."

"Har Har. As if I would ever go back to that mental asylum. Being a Millennial with a passion for Early to mid-to-two thousands Disney doesn't make me crazy. It makes me sane. You'd be crazy not to agree with me!"

"Sure, Cabello." Taylor quips, with a playful smile pushing its way onto her face.

"Hmm. I'll take that as a victory." Camila smiles before shoveling the rest of her cheerios into her mouth. "I would stay and gloat more, but I have an exam first thing this morning. Thanks for the breakfast, Tay!" The teenager grabs her banana and heads out the front door to see Dave pulled up in the driveway waiting for her to come outside. She smiles gratefully. She can always count on him to get her to school on time, no matter how late she is running. Of course sometimes it might not always be legal but that's between the two of them.

The drive to campus takes around twenty minutes, and Camila spends the time thinking about the rest of her day. She's done with classes around one, but then has to be at work at three. Thankfully she has a short shift today, unlike her dreadful first day with Tori. She doesn't remember seeing her name on the schedule for today, but who knows it could just be her mind seeing what she wanted to see. She does remember seeing Zendaya on the schedule though, so even if Tori is there Camila will still have the company of an actual person.

Dave pulls up the truck on the side of a street where the building that hosts her first class stands tall. Camila looks out the window to see her curly haired friend waiting for her arrival on a bench outside the building. "See ya, Dave! Thank you!" the nineteen year-old says as she hops out of the truck.

"Took you long enough." Alessia smiles playfully as Camila approaches her.

"I missed you too, Alessia." Camila smiles in return, pulling the girl into a tight hug.

"Of course you did. How could you not?" The Canadian flips her long curly hair over her shoulder in confidence.

"Shut up. How was Canada? Pet any moose? Drink any bagged milk? What about maple syrup?" Camila asks playfully while they slowly walk to the Music building. They flash their University IDs as they enter the large building and sit down at one of the tables in the atrium. Thankfully they still have about twenty minutes before their Piano class starts.

"That's actually really funny. I was just about to tell you how I drank maple syrup flavored milk in a bag while riding a moose. Family tradition of some sorts." Alessia rolls her eyes.

Camila laughs and shakes her head. "You are so funny, Cara."

"I'm glad I'm entertaining to you. Wait, how was New York?! Lo told me all about your cute little proposal. I'm really happy for you guys!"

"She told you about me? Aw she's so adorable." Camila gushes, thinking about the adorable girl sleeping in her bed back home. "But, New York, yes. Ally's audition went really well; she says she nailed it. Her Aunt and her girlfriend are literal goals. And my birthday was pretty lit. Not as lit as my usual parties but I was surrounded by people that love me and we played in the snow, so it was great." The Latina smirks.

The Graffiti Artist (Camren/ Norminah)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu