#27: Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us

Start from the beginning

Was that what I wanted?

No, I couldn't do that. I couldn't do that to my other half.

And that's where I went. I went to find my other half.


I guess I got lucky. Very lucky. It was way too dangerous of me to drive severely drunk at this time at night. I was also lucky for not getting pulled over by the cops.

I was a little unsure about showing up unexpected, but it was the only thing I could do.


Perspective switched to Gerard's lover

I never expected someone to knock on my door in the middle of the night. I almost didn't answer it, because I got the idea in my head that it was a kidnapper from one of those horrid movies, or the police here to tell me that my family was killed.

But when I peeked out the window and saw Gerard's car, I rushed to the door.

"Gerard?" I questioned slowly as I opened the door.

He had one hand on the wall, holding himself up. My heart began to race.

He was drunk.

I could see it in his eyes, face, body language, and movements. This wasn't the first time, and definitely wouldn't be the last.

Glancing over at his car, my worries became a bit more extreme. "Gerard, you drove here?" I asked as my blood began to boil. "Do you know how dangerous that is?"

He nodded. "I-I needed to get to you."

Tears welled my eyes, but I squinted them away. I slowly brought my arms around him and held the back of his head. "Honey, you can't be doing stuff like this, do you understand? You could get yourself hurt or in serious trouble. Neither of us want that."

"I-I'm sorry."

I pulled away from him so that I could see the rest of the symptoms. His pupils were the smallest that I had ever seen them. Even though he felt cold to the touch, he was sweating heavily. In past times where I had to take care of him like this, he didn't look as bad.

Tonight was different.

"Can you walk?" I asked.

Gerard took a step and then stopped himself, nearly losing balance. After drinking, taking pills, and driving, I was almost sure that he couldn't walk. It was no use to ask.

"Come on." I sniffed and held his arm. "I'm gonna carry you, okay?"

He tilted his head slowly. "I-I can't see-"

"Shh, just close your eyes," I told him softly and lifted him off the ground. I carried him to my bedroom as he shut his eyes.

I laid him down carefully, and he adjusted himself very slowly. I turned the fan on its highest setting, just to help with the sweat.

"Don't move," I told him and left the room. I went into the kitchen and turned on the stove, filling up the tea kettle. Once the water was ready, I placed the teabag in a mug and brought it to the bedroom. "Now I know you're a coffee person, but it's too much caffeine. You're already anxious enough. I have tea for you. It'll help." I set it on the nightstand.

"Can you stay with me?" Gerard asked in a slurred voice. He continuously squinted and blinked his eyes, trying to see and process what was going on and what he was really seeing.

"Of course," I said as I exhaled.


That night, Gerard had gotten up three times to throw up in the bathroom. Each time, I stood there right behind him and calmly rubbed his back. I was his crutch to get back into bed.

When he fell asleep curled up, I held him in my arms.

Of course, it wasn't ever a good thing to live in fear that another night like this would come. It wasn't ever a good thing to leave him alone. He needed me.

But I needed him, too. I needed to care for him and hold him tight once in a while, because it reminded me of how many times that he had been there for me.

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