#1: Wintertime

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(3/29/17) Dear friends! Before reading, I advise you to read the description of this book before you continue on with the oneshots. You're more welcome to skip around to any oneshot you'd like! My writing skills have gotten progressively better in the past year, so I suggest reading my newer oneshots!

(6/7/16) Hello readers! I'd like to introduce you to the recently added ambience feature. If you'd like to hear background noise while reading, press the play button on the video above when you see this:



It was January seventh and winter finally decided to come in Jersey. We had a rainy Christmas, and a pathetic week after that with weather in the 40's. Where was the cold weather?

Yesterday it snowed in the morning, and Gerard and I were very excited. I didn't mind the cold too much. It was peaceful, and time for me to wear warm sweaters that have been sitting in my closet for a year.

I had already shoveled the snow this morning when Gerard went to work, because he was dealing with a lot of stress over the past few days. We usually shoveled the snow together as a team effort, but I wanted to surprise him today. When I finished shoveling, I took a long, yet aesthetic calming bath and changed into the usual comfortable clothes.

I went on Twitter and chuckled to myself when I saw that Gerard was on his Twitter break too. He tweeted about the usual, positivity and calmness and occasionally some random things that no one really ever understood but him. Honestly, I still had a hard time figuring out that man. We had been together for almost a year, and there was still few things that I didn't quite get about him.

The wind ripped and it snowed like crazy for a long time. It looked like there were three or four inches on the ground already, and more snow was covering the driveway and sidewalk that I already shoveled.

When he came inside about two hours later, I was in my normal position on the couch. My back was propped up on pillows, and my knees were up. My laptop laid in my lap, providing warmth for my legs. He smiled at me, and I got up to go and give him a hug.

"You didn't have to do that yourself," Gerard said and put his arms around my waist. "I could've helped."

"Nah," I told him and wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with his soft, black hair. "You need the relaxation time. You work very hard."

He weakly smiled. "Thank you very much. You're really warm, by the way."

"Come sit with me," I said and let go of him, taking his hand and pulling him over to the couch. He sat down first, and patted his lap for me to sit on.

"Whatcha workin' on?" Gerard asked and looked at the laptop screen.

"Oh, just the usual," I said, showing him the latest sketches for Alternative Press. I was their graphic designer, so I created most of the pages in the magazines. This job was actually the reason why Gerard and I had met each other.

"It looks great so far," he replied. I leaned back against his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"How was your day at work?" I asked him.

He slowly laid down on the couch, lowering me onto his chest. "Slow, but alright. Thank you for asking. It just seems like the same old thing every day."

I rested my head on his shoulder, and he kissed my forehead. Smiling a little, I took a blanket that was folded on the side of the couch and pulled it over the two of us.

"Tomorrow is Sunday, you won't have to work. We can just be cold and lazy all day," I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," he agreed with a smile.

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