My father got up from the couch and went to stand up next to me. “They are going to be alright Daniel, don’t be worry so much son.” He patted me in the back and I just sighed.

Mom came in to the room teary eyed and me and my father went in to alert.

“Claire’s ballet teacher said that Claire didn’t come to class today.” She cried and my father engulfed her in to a hug.

“Mom, did you call Claire’s cell phone?”

“Yes”, she sniffed, “and she didn’t answer. I called savannah cell phone too, but it went directly to voice mail.”

The negative thoughts were consuming my head. What if they were kidnap or in an accident? They could even be dead…


Dad must have picked my thoughts because he let out an angered growl in my direction. “They are fine Daniel.”

I took a deep breath and sat on the couch. I took more deep breaths and closed my eyes. They’re fine, they’re fine…

Suddenly we heard a cell phone ringing. I look up and saw my mother’s phone flashing from the coffee table. She left my father’s embrace and grabbed the phone from the table.

“The number is from the hospital…” She murmured to us and answered the call.

I look at my mother’s face for any emotion, but she kept her face blank and kept replying yes to the person on the phone. I could catch a sentence that made me go pale.

“Alpha, Claire and Savannah were in an accident and are now in intensive care.”


I was driving madly trough the road, trying to get as fast as I could to the hospital.

When I heard the paramedic saying to mother that Savannah and Claire where in a car accident, I literally went crazy. I took off to the garage and took my car out of the driveway trough the gates and sped off to the hospital

Those two better be okay or they will be grounded for life. Well Savannah will be tied to my bed…

That’s if they are still alive! The other part of me shouted.

I parked the car and threw the hospital’s front doors open. I saw nurse in a desk and ran to where she was. I reached the desk and slam my hand down. Quickly, the nurse put the magazine down and looks up at me.

"What can I do for you sure?" She purred and I almost growl. I didn’t need this right now.

"I'm looking for two patients that were reported here from an accident?"

"Names sir?" She purred again, but I decided to ignored her.

“Savannah Collins and Claire De Luna.” I reply in a hurry. She turned her attention to some papers and look up at me.

Fighter (Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora