Chapter 25. Epilogue

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Gene's Pov:

After the party ended Alex and Auden passed out on the couch after everyone left, i picked up Alex and Y/N picked up Auden and we took them to there rooms, after i laid down Alex i went downstairs Y/N was on the couch already, man shes quick, i walked up to the couch and gave her a kiss on the head "I'm going to go for a walk, ill be back in a half an hour" i said "Ok, bye!" she said and i left i walked down to the park and started to walk on the path, i stopped after a few minutes and sat down on a bench, then i started to hear crying, i stood up and started to look around but i couldn't find where the crying was coming from till i spotted a little pink thing in a bush near by, i walked over and moved the bush out of the was, a baby girl, raped in a pink blanket with a doll next to her and the blanket said Ellie on it, i picked her up and walked over to a bench and sat down, i quickly calmed her down and stood up, i walked around the park with Ellie in my arms to see if i could find her parents but there wasn't anyone there so i started to walk home, when i got home i opened the door and walked in, Y/N wasn't on the couch so i assumed she went to bed but she came out of the kitchen "Hey, you were gone a while, whats that?" she asked and i sat down, she came and sat next to me and her eyes widen "Her names Ellie, i found her raped in this blanket in a bush at park" i replied "Did you try to look for her parents?" she asked and i nodded "I did but there was no one there was no one there, and i could tell she was hungry and cold so i brought her home" i said "Ok... how about we keep her here for the night then we start looking for her parents in the morning" she said and i stood up "Ill get the crib out of the basement then ill get a bottle ready" i said handing Ellie to Y/N and walking down to the basement.

Your Pov:

I held Ellie in my arms while Gene was getting the crib, then Ellie opened her eyes, they were a beautiful light blue color and her tiny strands of brown hair were showing, she was so cute, i cuddled her for a while while Gene came up and set up the crib, after he set up the crib i gently put Ellie in and watched her, then she started to cry.

Alex's Pov:

I woke up and i could here crying, sounded like a baby i sat up and rubbed my eyes "Whats that?" i asked myself as i got out of bed and opened my door, i peek out of it to see if mommy or daddy were up here and they weren't, i looked at Auden's room and he came out "Psst! Auden" i whispered and he turned to me and walked over "Did the crying wake you up to?" i asked and he nodded rubbing his eyes "Lets to downstairs and check what it is!" i said "Yes!" Auden replied and we went to the stairs, we grabbed the railing and started to walk down slowly, when i got halfway down i could see my old crib there in front of mommy and i saw something moving, we walked down a little more to see a baby crying, we watched as mommy picked the baby up and calmed her down, we could here her talking to her "Shhh.... Its ok Ellie..." over and over again till daddy walked out of the kitchen with a bottle and giving it to mommy and her giving it to Ellie, i looked at Auden and continued to walk down then i heard squeaking behind me, i turned around Auden had stepped on one of the squeaky steps, i looked and mommy and daddy were looking at us "Kids... i thought you were still asleep" daddy said "We heard crying so we came down to see what it was, who's that?" i asked pointing to Ellie who was in mommy's arms, daddy sighed "Come down and we'll tell you" he said and we rushed down the stairs and sat next to mommy and Ellie "How old is Ellie?" Auden asked and mommy looked at daddy "We don't know..." she said and my eyes widen "Where did you find Ellie?" I asked, daddy bit his lip and sat down next to me "I found Ellie in that blanket in a bush" he said "What happened to her parents!? Where are they!?" Auden asked trying not to yell "That's another thing we don't know" mommy sighed "What are we gonna do?" Auden asked "Well... we're going to keep Ellie here for the night then we'll look for her parents tomorrow" mommy said "Ok... can we sleep with Ellie tonight?" I asked and mommy giggled a little "Of course" she said and I cheered, Auden cheered aswell, daddy went and got our stuff and set it up on the couch then he set up his and mommy's stuff on the floor, Auden and I got onto the couch and I closed my eyes, I hope Ellie finds her home.....

Ok that's the end of this book! I will make a sequel! Who do you think Ellie's parents are? Brown hair, Blue eyes? Comment! And what do you think will happen if Ellie unites with her parents and what is the back story? Leave your thoughts in the comments! See you all soon KitKats!!!

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