Chapter 6. The Dinner

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Your Pov:
I woke up and the picture of A/N wasn't in my hands, I remember holding tight when I fell asleep, I shot up and looked everywhere for it but I couldn't find it "Where is it!?" I exclaimed running around my bed looking for it, then I noticed Vylad wasn't in bed, after about 10 minutes of looking I still couldn't find it, I went upstairs and tears started to form in my eyes, Vylad was in the living room and the girls were no where to be seen "Hey Vylad" I said sitting next to him "Hey Y/N, what's wrong?" He asked "I had a picture of a girl in my hands last night and now I can't find it" I said tears coming down my face "Ohh that picture, Kawaii-Chan knew how much it meant to you so she hung it on the wall over there" he said pointing to the wall, A/N's picture was there "Why is she so special to you?" He asked "Well... she's the reason I ran away... but I don't want to talk about it, not yet anyways" I replied "I understand, I might not of run away but I can see why someone would" he said I calmed down and went to the kitchen to get some breakfast, when I was done I went and got dressed then grabbed my bag "I'm going out for a while, I'll be home by time we have to leave for Garroth's" I said "Ok be safe" Vylad said and I shut the door.

When you got home

I made it home and not a moment to soon, I opened the door and Vylad was in the living room right where I saw him before I left "Hey Vylad" I said then he turned to me "Hey Y/N, are you ready to go?" He asked and I nodded, he stood up and walked over to me, he grabbed his little brown bag and we left, we walked to the guys house and Vylad knocked on the door and Garroth answered "Hey baby bro!" he exclaimed giving a big hug to Vylad, i knew he looked like Garroth in a way "Hey bro, is Zane here?" he asked, i wonder who Zane was? we walked in and all the guys were there plus one, he had black hair and light blue eyes, his hair was covering one eye and he had a mask on his face, i guess that's Zane i walked to the table and sat down next to the man "Hi, I'm Y/N!" i said and the man gave me a weird look "Zane" he replied "Look at you being so friendly!" Garroth exclaimed giving a hug to Zane, i started to giggle "Garroth! your embarrassing me!" Zane exclaimed "Ohh sorry im just happy to see my baby brother being nice to someone other than Aph" he said and i giggled a little more then i heard Laurence from the other room "Dinners ready!" he exclaimed then everyone came to sit, i was between Gene and Zane, probably the darkest people here, Laurence handed me a plate of food first then he gave everyone else some food, i looked around and noticed that i was the only girl here, why?

Zane's Pov:

I sat next to Y/N, shes really sweet she didn't seem to run away from me, that's strange because most girls would just run away from me, i also noticed that she was the only girl here probably something to do with all the guys liking her, we started eating then i noticed something, Y/N was crying but she was holding her tears in as best as she could "You ok?" i whispered into her ear then she looked at me "Ya.. I'm fine" she smiled then i smiled, after we finished dinner everyone wanted to watch a movie but i wanted to go but Y/N stopped me before i could walk out the door "Come on Zane, you can't be leaving early, stay and watch the movie with us" she said and i nodded, we sat down on the couch and put on the movie 'Scary Movie 5' (Funny but scary, don't ask XD) i sat next to Laurence and Gene on the ground while Travis, Dante, Garroth and Y/N were on the couch, the movie started and when the girl got posest  Y/N literally jumped out of her seat and fell backwards off the couch, we paused the movie and looked at her she looked like one of those anime characters after they got hurt i giggled and she came back to her senses "That's it" she said before puling me down "Gah!" i exclaimed as i fell next to her, we all started laughing and we got up and went back to our seats, we finished the movie and Y/N stood up "I gotta get going, thanks for the dinner!" she exclaimed grabbing her bag and running out the door, i sighed, i wish she staid longer.....

Man that was a short chapter but i hope you guys liked it! See you in the next chapter my KitKats!!

Also I won't be posting till Wednesday! Bye!

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