Chapter 3. Love?

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Gene's Pov:
Y/N was nice, I still can't belive Sasha and Zenix did that to her, ugh, wait am I falling for her? No I couldn't! But if I am then... Ok Gene stop thinking about that! I was sitting on the couch watching 'Death Note' when Garroth called us to the kitchen "Time for dinner guys!" He exclaimed and we rushed to the table, I was the only one not eating, I couldn't get Y/N our of my head "You ok Gene, you haven't eaten a thing" Garroth said with a little worry in his voice "Y-Ya I'm fine" I lied "Bro, I can tell your not fine, you know you can tell us anything" Dante replied "Ugh fine... I... I think I'm in love" I said and the guys stared at me "What!? With who!?" Laurence exclaimed "I'd rather not say who" I replied "I know it's Y/N, Gene you can hide it" Travis said and I looked at them and I shot "I'm taking a shower" I said going into the bathroom, am I really in love with Y/N? I think I am.... I hope i am

Dante's Pov:
Gene can't be in love with Y/N.... he likes Sasha, we finished eating and went to go watch some Anime "I'm worried about Gene" I said, I like Y/N to and if he does than there's going to be some issues "Ya, I am to its not like him to act like this" Garroth replied, Gene came out of the bathroom and sat down, we sat in silents for a moment, I had to say something but before I could Laurence spoke up "You guys want to watch a movie?" He asked and we nodded, we put on the movie and continued the silents.

Garroth's Pov:
During the whole movie all I could think about was Y/N, I don't know why.... do I like her? But if Gene likes her than I'm going to get murdered by him if I try to get close to her, ugh why does love have to be so confusing, we finished the movie and I got up and walked to my room "I'm going to bed, I'll see you guys in the morning" I said closing the door, I put my pajamas on and laid on my bed I couldn't fall asleep, the only thing I could think about was Y/N, her beautiful E/C eyes and H/C hair and her sweet voice couldn't get out of my mind, I closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep, and eventually I did.

Laurence's Pov:
Love is a confusing thing, after Garroth went to bed me, Dante and Travis went downstairs to continue watching movies, Gene was asleep so we had no choice, we got downstairs and Travis sat on the bed while me and Dante were on the floor, it was a love movie, maybe I could find out how to tell Y/N, I took out a pen and paper and started writing as soon as it started, this is gonna help me good.

Travis's Pov:
Am I the only one who thinks all of us are in love with Y/N? I mean I do like her but... all the guys seem to have the same thought, after Gene said he liked Y/N or at least I think so everyone has had the same thought, during the movie I saw Laurence on the floor with a pen and paper, maybe the love movie was a bad idea, all the paper said was how to impress Y/N "Your such a weirdo Laurence" I said to him "No I'm not! I just.... like to write things down during love movies, don't judge!" He replied then Dante took the paper out of his hands "Man Laurence your not gonna get he girl like that, besides if my big bro likes her than your in big trouble" Dante said, Laurence grabbed the paper out of his hands and rushed to his room, Dante wasn't far behind him, I turned off the TV and laid down, slowly closing my eyes "Love you" I wispered before I fell asleep.

Sorry for the short chapter, don't worry Zane and Vylad will be coming in the fanfic shortly. 😂

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