Chapter 5. Dinner?

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Your Pov:
I woke up and Vylad was next to me on the floor, his mouth was open and he was snoring I giggled as I got out of bed, looks like he kicked his blanket off in the middle of the night, I put the blanket back on him and he smiled, I giggled again and walked upstairs no one was up so I decided to make some breakfast for everyone and look for jobs around the city, I started to make some pancakes when Vylad came up stairs although he wasn't awake he was sleepwalking, I grabbed his shoulders and led him back downstairs to my bed, I didn't want him sleeping on the floor and waking up again, I tucked him back in and went to finish the pancakes I was flipping the pancakes when Kawaii-Chan came downstairs running into the kitchen "Does Kawaii-Chan smell pancakes!?" She exclaimed looking at me "Yep, I got up early so I decided to make breakfast for everyone" I replied and Kawaii-Chan just stared at me while I was flipping the pancakes, Aphmau and Katelyn ran downstairs looked like they were hungry "Where are the pancakes!?" Katelyn basically yelled at me "There right here" I said putting the pancakes on the plates and setting them down on the table, we started eating and I took out my phone to look for jobs "Y/N-Senpai, you should come work with Kawaii-Chan and Aphmau-Senpai!!" Kawaii-Chan exclaimed as she started explaining where she works, a little kawaii maid cafe sounded really well... kawaii! I looked at her and nodded "That would be great Kawaii-Chan!" I replied "Ohh what's Y/N-Senpai's favorite color, we need to know so our manager knows what color the maid dress needs to be" Kawaii-Chan said and I looked down finishing my last bite of pancake "It's f/c" I replied "Ok, Kawaii-Chan will send a text to the manager" she said, after everyone was done eating I grabbed they're plates and started cleaning them.

Vylad's Pov:
I woke up on Y/N's bed "What the heck!?" I exclaimed, I was all tucked in and my head was on a comfortable pillow "I wonder if Y/N put me on here after she woke up?" I asked myself as I went upstairs, Y/N was in her pajamas cleaning some plates "Hey Y/N" I said and she jumped a little "Hey Mr. Sleep walker" she giggled "Was I doing that again!?" I exclaimed, normally when I have a good dream I start to sleep walk "Again? Never mind, yes you were sleepwalking, you came upstairs then I put you back to bed" she replied, guess that's why I woke up on her bed "What's your plan for the day?" I asked as I sat at the table and Y/N cave me some pancakes "I'm going to Kawaii-Chan and Aphmau's work to see if I could get a job there" she replied, as soon as she said that I pictured her in one of those maid dresses, Y/N waved her hand in my face and brought me back to reality "Hello? Earth to Vylad!" She exclaimed and I shook my head "Sorry, got lost in my thoughts" I said, Y/N giggled... man she's cute... Y/N suddenly stopped giggling and put to the plate she was cleaning down, looked like she missed something "I-Im going to go downstairs for a while... call me up when it's lunch" she said in a really depressed voice before she went down I grabbed her shoulder "Y/N you seem really upset... are you ok?" I asked and she looked at me "Ya, I'm fine, I just need to be alone for a while" she replied going back downstairs, I went to the couch to the girls "There's something wrong with Y/N...." I thought out loud "What? Is she ok?" Aph asked me "Y-Ya she fine, she just said she needed a little time alone" I replied "Kawaii-Chan hopes she'll be ok when we go to meat our manager" Kawaii-Chan said "Ya, but we shouldn't bother her" I replied, the girls nodded and we continued talking.

After Y/N gets the job

Your Pov:
We got back from the cafe, I got the job and I ran into Michi who was also getting the job, her and Kawaii-Chan kinda got into a cat fight but I think that's normal considering they're bad past but I was able to stop them before they pulled out they're claws (Hehe claws ^-^... ._.) I went downstairs and sat on my bed, I got a text message from Garroth.

G- Garroth, Y- You

G. Hey Y/N
Y. Hey Garroth, how did you get my number?
G. Ohh Aph gave it to me
Y. Of course... anyways what's up?
G. I was wondering if you and the girls would like to come to my place for dinner tomorrow, ohh also Vylad
Y. Sure, what time?
G. Around 5, but you can come early if you want
Y. Ok, see you tomorrow
G. Bye...

I put my phone away and went upstairs, the girls and Vylad were sitting on the couch watching Ouran "Why didn't anyone tell me we were watching Ouran!?" I exclaimed with a giggle in my voice "Ohh umm... wanna watch with us?" Aph asked "Of course!" I exclaimed and we started the whole season over cause they just finished it "Ohh, Garroth invited us over for dinner tomorrow at 5, you in?" I asked then the girls frowned "Me, Kawaii-Chan and Katelyn have to leave for a trip tomorrow, we'll be back on Sunday though" Aphmau said, I wonder where they were going, it's Thursday so there only gone for a while "I am free" Vylad replied breaking the silents "Great, wait where are you girls going tomorrow?" I asked, my curiosity got the best of me "Ohh were going to go see Katelyn's dad" Aphmau replied, we continued watching Ouran for a while then I went downstairs and got my pjs on, then I got into my bed and fell asleep.

Can't wait for the next chapter it's going to be really interesting, or at least I say so anyways see you all in the next chapter, bye!

(Me sorrt if I was being weird) 😂😂😂😂

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