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Your Pov:
"THATS IT IM DONE LIVING WITH YOU!!!" I yelled running upstairs to my room slamming the door shut "Why can't she just be happy for me.... I got what she wanted and this is how she repays me.." I cried to myself looking at my backpack and giving it a mean look "That's it, I'm done wih this place" I said grabbing my bag and shoving things that I need in it, food, water, other things "Tonight I run away..." I said "I'm not coming back ever" I wispered to myself, running downstairs and putting my plan into place, my room was on the second story so I moved my little trampoline under my window "I hope this can stand my weight" I said running to the kitchen and taking some scissors and string out of the drawer 'Thank Irene she's in her room' thought to myslef running back upstairs and continued paking, I even put a picture of her in my bag just to remember her.

"I'm all set, now I just need to wait for the right hour"

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Falling For You A Mystreet Guys X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now