Chapter 7. A new friend

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Aphmau's Pov:
We finally made it to O'kasis, Katelyn was starting to get a little grumpy from being in the car for 3 hours "Were here! Yay!" I exclaimed "Yep, can't wait to see my dad" Katelyn replied, we haven't seem Katelyn's dad for a long time so we thought now would be a good time to visit "Y/N told us she use to live here right?" I asked and Kawaii-Chan nodded "Yep, Kawaii-Chan wonders why she would run away from this beautiful city!" She exclaimed, we stopped at A&W and got some food then we headed to Katelyn's parents house, Katelyn knocked on the door and her father Eric answered "Sugar pea!" He exclaimed giving Katelyn one of his bear hugs, Kawaii-Chan and I started laughing when Katelyn pulled out of her dad's hug "It's nice to see you to dad, are my bros here?" She asked "Nope, just moved out" he replied opening the door wider so we could walk in "Aphmau you and Kawaii-Chan can take the guest bedroom" he said and we went to our rooms, he didn't have to tell Katelyn where to go because he had a special room for her, after we finished unpacking it was dinner time Eric called us down and we rushed to the table "Enjoy girls" he said "Thanks Eric" I replied "Ya, Thanks dad" Katelyn said, after we finished dinner we heard a knock on the door "I'll get it" Eric said going to the door and opening it, it was a girl with A/C hair and A/C eyes, she looked upset "Hello sir, may I come in?" She asked "Of course, let's go sit on the couch" he replied, the girl walked to the couch and started crying, Kawaii-Chan, Katelyn and I walked up to her and sat next to her "Hi, I'm Aphmau and this is Kawaii-Chan and Katelyn, what's wrong?" I asked her and she pulled a not out of her bag with a picture of Y/N "Have you seen my sister Y/N? She ran away from home about a week ago and now I can't find her" she said crying more "We... we know her" I said and the girl stopped crying almost instantly "Where is she!? I need to say sorry!!" She cried in my arms "Shh... it's ok... she lives with us in Pheonix Drop... we're leaving here tomorrow... you can come with us if you want" I asked and she nodded "I just want to say sorry...." she wispered "You poor thing... you can stay here if you want... we have an extra room" Eric said and A/N nodded "Thank you so much..." she said "It's been a long day, for all of us, let's go get some sleep" Katelyn suggested and we nodded then went to our rooms, I can't belive that's Y/N's sister... the one she ran away from

A/N's Pov:
I can't belive these girls live with my sister, I thought I would never find her... the only reason I've treated her like that is because I got frustrated.... after the incident I was never the same... I went to the spare room thinking about Y/N, I didn't think she actually meant it when she said she was done living with me... I was about to give up and call the police before I met Aph and the others... I looked at all the photos I had of me, Y/N and our family, our mom, dad and our older brother... Cal... I miss them so much... I kept looking through my bag till I found an old picture that Y/N made when she was 5, I was about 8 and Cal was 10 I remember her drawing this and showing it to the family right before the incident happened, flashbacks kept coming in and put of my mind, I could never forget it no matter what I did the guilt was to strong, I out the picture right next to my bed and I covered my body with the blanket then turned off the lights.... tomorrow.... I get to say sorry....

I am so sorry for the short chapter, I couldn't think of anyhting else, and I'm tired.... I promise the next chapter will be alot more interesting! Till then, see you later my Kit Kats!

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