I drew the curtains, so the room was dark and sat on the floor. Concentrating hard, I tried to reach someone but it was all useless. I turned the lights on and placed a pen on the table infront of me. Maybe I could practice some telekinesis.

The pen was lying on the table and I first focused on the front and just when it was about to lift a bit, my mind went off to Trevor, picturing him in the class sitting next to Pamela. I let out a cry and got up.

I couldn't focus.


Perfecting the mascara in one single stroke, I smiled at myself in the mirror. I was wearing denims with a white tank top for the date with Aaron. As I looked at the watch, I knew he would be here any minute. Just then, the landline rang and I went to receive the call.

"Hey Leah. I'm waiting in the parking lot,"

"I'll be there," I said and hung up. Grabbing the keys from the counter, I locked the door, since Trevor wasn't home yet and honestly, I did not really wish to see him after what he did last night.

I know it's none of my business to judge him over sleeping with someone nor did I have a reason to feel bad, but I was just annoyed.

I took the elevators and entered the parking lot. The sun was setting and as I looked for Aaron, my eyes caught him standing a few feet away, lazily leaning against his car, his hands folded infront of his white tshirt, which was perfectly displaying his toned body. A smile reached his lips when he saw me and stood up straight to open the door for me.

"You look beautiful," He said as he stepped aside to let me enter the car.

"Thank you," I muttered as I slipped into the passenger seat and he shut the door.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked once he was in his seat. He adjusted the mirrors and started driving.

"I don't know. I'm new here," I shrugged.

A small smile formed on his lips amd I noticed a dimple on his cheek. "I know a perfect place,"

"So tell me something about yourself Leah,"

"Like what?"

"Where are you from?"

"America," I said, without thinking. That's the name we've heard the most in Epitoria.

A small frown formed on Aaron's lips as he narrowed his eyes a bit. I frowned in response. Why is it so hard to believe? Is it the way I say it that people think I'm lying? Patrick didn't believe it either.

"Which part?"

"Umm....North," I said and sighed in relief when he finally nodded but the doubt was still evident on his face.

"So you still live with your parents?"

"No I don't,"

"But you said you needed that job so you can move out and prove yourself," He raised a brow at me.


"That's what I said. Right. The thing is that....I got so tired of my family that I moved in with a friend but you see, I can't live with him forever,"

"Him? You're living with a guy?" He asked, surprised.

"Yeah. Why not?"

"Nothing," He shrugged and focused back on the road. After a few minutes, he stopped the car infront of a diner. He stepped out and came to my side to open my door.

"Thank you," I muttered as I stepped out of the car.

He guided me towards the diner and we took the corner booth. Food arrived soon and my mouth started watering.

We shared a light conversation and I was glad he did not ask about my parents or anything that would make me uncomfortable.

I looked up at the wall clock and my eyes grew wide. It was 9 p.m. already. I hadn't told Trevor that I would be gone for the evening. What if he was worried?

I rolled my eyes. Like that was even possible. He would be least bothered. Also, he did not care enough to tell me about his where abouts last night.

"A penny for your thoughts?"

I looked at Aaron, who had a curious expression on his face as he tried to study my face. I gave him a smile and shrugged.

"Just thinking about my first day tomorrow at your coffee shop,"

"Oh. Don't be nervous about it," His hand came forward and rested above mine. He gave me a reassuring smile but something felt odd as his hand touched mine. He seemed to realise it when I did not smile back and immediately withdrew his hand, muttering an apology.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have acted that way. I just want you to know that I had second thoughts about this date," His expression fell and I wanted to slap myself for being so blunt. So I continued in hopes of making it sound better. "Not because I think of you as a bad person, but because you are going to be my boss. And I guess it's gonna be weird once I start working,"

Realisation dawned on him and he nodded a sincere, understanding nod. "Then maybe it's our last date as lovers,"

"Lovers?" I let out a laugh.

He smirked. "But we're going to have many more date as friends,"

"Okay," I gave him a smile as the waiter brought the check. He paid for both our meals.

"Since I'm not carrying any money with me right now, I'll be paying for our next date once I start earning,"

His eyes lit up. "That's the confirmation I wanted,"

"That I'll be paying or that we are going to have more dates?"

"I like the way you think," He gave me a sexy smirk and I shook my head, laughing.

He tipped the waiter and we left the diner. The streets were still busy as Aaron drove towards the apartment.

We didn't have any conversation as we enjoyed the radio. All these songs reminded me of the good times at Epitoria. I would usually listen to these with my friends.

As these thoughts came to my mind, I made a mental note of finding about the dealer who supplied goods to Epitoria or the fairies who lived on this side to manage business for my land.

The car came to a halt amd I looked up at the building.

"Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?"

"Thanks but I can manage getting there. Wouldn't bother you,"

"It won't bother me,"

"I know," I smiled. "I'll be there at 7 in the morning?" I asled more than stated.

A smirk formed on his lips. "7:30,"

"Goodnight Aaron and thanks for the dinner,"

"My pleasure. Goodnight Leah,"

Giving him one last smile, I stepped out of the car and entered the building. I got into the elevators and waited patiently for it to reach my floor.

I fished the keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door. Walking into the apartment, I almost had a heart attack as I noticed a figure sitting on the couch in the dimly lit room.

His hands were clasped together infront of him as he looked up at me, his glare dangerous and I knew one thing for sure.

Trevor was pissed at me.

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