Chapter 33 Judgment of Paris

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I looked over my shoulder and relaxed when the final guards began to question their chase. I hid behind a corner and sighed.

"Um...who are you?"

I turned to a little five year old carrying a large stick with two buckets of water on both ends of it. "I'm sorry, am I in your way?"

The boy crooked his head. He set down the buckets before he spoke again. "There only a few reasons of why a woman wears men's' clothing: she's stolen them, she's murdered her husband, or she's hiding from someone. Which is it?"

"One and Three," I whispered patting the boy on his head.

"Oh," he took the conversation like an elder. "Have fun miss," The brown eyed boy picked up his stick again and went away with carrying the buckets.

"Hey!" I went after the little boy. "Just where am I?"

He turned around, "you must not be from around here. Miss, you're in the Mariana District. Basically the edge of the city."

I sighed and kicked up a dust cloud. "I need to talk to someone." What was I supposed to do?! I asked Coyote for help- and this come us. "Coyote, where am I supposed to go?"

"What?" the boy looked back at me from far ahead now. "I'm free after I deliver this water. Then I can guide you if you want?"

I barely heard the boy. I was more concentrating on finding Coyote. I looked down at the boy and weakly nodded to whatever he said.

He grinned exposing less than average well-kept teeth. He scuttled along the dirt path and turned into a house.

A house could barely fit it. It was made of wood, like a shack. The rows of them were narrow and the houses were small, but they all seemed to be abodes.

I covered my eyes with my hand and sighed again. The sun is harsher here.

"So you're looking so someone to help you do this thing that you can't tell me about?"

I nodded and ate a grape from the bowel the boy gave me. This too was a new feeling, hunger.

"Where are you from?"

I closed my eyes, "Blodgett, Grant Town."

The boy laughed. "That's a stupid name!"

I pursed my lips and saw what he meant. I guess he was right. "Now that I think of it, you're right. I just never thought of it...I was just trying to survive."

The little boy sadly stood up, "I have to go home now, it'll be night soon and the...the bandits come out after sun down. Bye-."

"Wait!" I stood up and caught up with the boy. "What's your name?"

"Paris," he said with a grin. "Yours?"

I hesitated. "Erin."

"Erin? Such a funny name."

"If you must go, go now."

"I will, but-Erin!" The boy rushed to my pants leg and tugged it. "My father always told me that those on journeys have to have a righteous reason for taking it. Once they know that, they can do anything. Make sure you have a righteous reason Erin."

My hand found the hilt of the sword at my waist.

"You are a very smart boy Paris."

Paris giggled as he ran away.

The Black CatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora