Chapter 18 Point Blank

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*Lied. This the last long chapter*

Some of the greatest warriors and kings have ridden in history's most expensive, luxerious chariots. Those great and respected idols have slain villages and undid wrongs they saw fit to solve in their time. Horse drawn, gold plated, and handcrafted rides to stand out and give fear in enimes hearts.

Well, we all planned to right wrongs that their owners wouldn't bother too. In thinking, we are the warriors.

As for our golden and jewel incrusted chariot, a very slow, cramped taxi van will have to do untill we get the jewelery rentals.

Everen stroked my neck gently as he shiften impaciently to his thoughs. "Leo, how do you know expect to find Cystal?"

In the front seat next to the cheap looking slouch of a driver, Leo glanced over his shoulder and signaled for him to calm. He slyly pointed his thumb toward the driver.

The driver chuckled. "Please, I've heard much worse from the folks around her. From," he smirked, "buisness deals to illegal deals to the straight up p-."

"Got it," Leo smiled giving me a grin. "Come here kitty." He opened his hand for me and timidly left from Everen's lap to the floor. From there I could only see ttall trees of legs in the barely lit van.

I truely had to depend on Leo's voice to navigate in the cramped van. I followed the maze to the front and was successfully picked up by Leo.

"Kitty purr," Leo chuckled while he rubbed his face into my left shoulder. He held me there for a long time and then finally spoke very softly. "Most likely everyone is heading to an aircraft. The tomb is confirmed to not be on this land. Just remember that we are not heading for the same line. We have to split up for our goals-," he sudden pulled me away from him and stroked my head. "Such a pretty kitty!"

I purred and watched Leo's eyes as they shifted to his right. Once he let go of me I saw he was notioning toward the airport. I narrowed my eyes and hissed.

Quietly, I lurked in the midst of the group into the airport. Just as loudly, I slipped past the police at the scanner gates. Without light outside, the night would be gracious to give a black cat a cloak of invisability.

The air to the airport hallways was strangely dry and cold. For some reason, there weren't any people here either. The walkways were quiet and the planes still.

I purred as I slipped through five luggage crates as I entered the airport terminal. Immediately, I knew something was wrong.

At every entrance there stood a six foot tall gaurd in an all black suit and everyone of them was armed with shiny gun at his side.

"As you can see sir, my wantings do not even hurt what you want out of the tomb. I only want what was stolen from me!"

I hid as soon as I caught sight of two men not dressed in a threatening outfits. One wore a purple and green suit while the other wore plain white with a rose. The other I reconized immediatly; Marcilo Delic wasn't dressed in comfort though, he was dressed to go.

I turned and pawed the tag on the suitcases next to me and confimed them being his. Where was he going to in such a rush? More disgustingly, where is Oliver?

The man with Marcilo blocked him from taking any step forward. "All I need is your ride and I'll stay out of your sight....I promise."

"Mr. Lloyd, I have nothing agianst you, it's just that...I don't trust you." Marcilo patted him on the shoulder and continued toward the gate where his craft was located.

I shifted as he shot a glance toward the suitcases I was hiding behined.

"William, get my bags and hurry up this madness of delay." Marcilo ran his hand through his different colored jet black hair.

Marcilo was a step away from the gate door when it shut. Marcilo pushed at the door untill Crystal's voice piped up agian.

The man in the shiny purple and green suit cocked his head at Maarcilo. "I am a dangerous enemy, sir. I don't know of what you think I am, but I assure you, I am not mortal like you." Crystal held his breath and sighed. He flicked his hand to the right and the gate door opened agian. "I'm going on your jet with our without your will."

The tensed as one set of suitcases was lifted and a whisk of air slammed into me. I skidded across the floor and hit the clear window with a though of me falling out.

"A cat! A black cat! It's Alex!"

I looked up quickly to see a biker looking man charging at me with full force.

I doged him and straight away dashed through the gate to Marcilo's jet. Behined me I heard his voice calming down William. I was a familier to him? A familier? I am not a-.

I dashed though the open door to the jet and immediately ran to the back. I past the first class seating and ended up next to the toilets and a door.

There was no place to hide. There was no one to run to except- "Oliver!"

As soon as I turned around, the small figure I was looking for was not passive at all. Oliver glared at me with his bold green eyes and hissed. He snarled and swiped at me. I didn't fire bck at him at all, I let him scratch the air. It was only until one of his claws landed did I fire back.

I aimed for Oliver's eye and made contact right away, only, my clws went too deep and scratched his eye. "Oliver..." I stared at him as I backed into the corner. "What happened to you Oliver?!"

Oliver launched himself and missed me. He hit the handle on the door next to the bathrooms and a loud click led me to know Oliver was hurt.

I went forward and looked over him, but he quickly pulled back and put me agianst the door. "What is wrong with you Oliver?!"

His eyes focused on me and it was like a aura of red surrounding him. It was wickedly powerfull and strong. I backed away with his intense glare.

"I warned you Erin," his voice came out deep and angered. "I warned you more than I should have. Then when you passed out, I pulled you out of the city on my own! You didn't listen to me! Erin..."

I backed into the door next to me and coward at his words. All of it was true, he did warn me, but I made my choices. " knew about all of this."

Oliver surgred forward and headbutted me through the crack in the now open door. Oliver grimaced at me and then purred.

Through the door, I slid off a narrow walkway and down six feet to a cold, solid ground. Agianst nature, I did not land on my feet when I touched the ground. Beneath Oliver, I lay helpless in a pitch dark prison.

"What happened to us being friends Oliver?!"

Oliver flicked his tail. "I won't worry about you anymore. You are no longer of importance to me."

Stunned in the darkness, I was frozen when Oliver closed the foor.

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