Chapter 13 Bad Cat

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Right outside the window, right next to the street sign was the shadow man. He was a man. A man dressed in a well tailored black suit. In the moonlight now, he didn't look as evil as before.

"Any scarier," I whispered.

I turned toward the stairs and started my decent, but I stopped when a unmistakenable hand laid on my back. A small chuckle sounded behined me. The shadow man smiled down at me and picked me up.

"Kitty, you have been to a lot of places, I know. That including my mind."

I looked up at him with a confused look. "Your mind?"

He nodded and held me close to him. "I would let you go, but I would only hunt you down afterwards. Stay, and reading your eyes, you wanted to stay anyway, no?"

Oliver's owner never talked so much much before, I could tell because the entire room was dead silent when the shadow man sat down; with me craddled in his lap.

"I am Marcilo" Oliver's owner, and the master of the house, announced timidly.

The shadow man grinned. "You're taking my kill, why?"

Marcilo looked offended through the truth. He shot up abructly only to sit down after the shadow man shot him a look. Marcilo cleared his throat trying to roll off the indecent way he was told to sit down. "I am not going to to doubt your inteligence, I want the materials of the chamber."

"Humans," the shadow man sighed. He stoked me and sighed. "Then there is a problem. I won't let you take anything out of the tomb. Humans always get too greedy and power hungry, look at you! I am ordering you to sit back in your child chair and drink from your sippy cup. I am much older than you human."

"How dare you!" a single outburst from a man followed. He glared at the shadow man and then turned back toward Marcilo. "You will not let this soot pile talk you down, will you?" The man set back in his chair and calmed down when Marcilo lowered his hand onto the table.

"Sir," Marcilo said with a wide grin. "I am not under your will. I will take whatever I want, I will do whatever I want, and I will go where ever I want!" A cheer of agreement ran through Marcilo's friends at the table.

I looked up at the shadow man. His face was stone as if conflicting sides where going to kill him. He was going to kill or spare; for Oliver's sake I hope spare was the bigger one.

"I have both keys as well!" For this, the shadow man flinched. Marcilo smiled knowing he had a higher ground. "I have the key and the girl! You have nothing but a looming shadow! Now, sir, get out of my house!"

Marcilo shot up and hurled his fine china plate at the shadow man with all his strength. It missed. In fact, to be correct, halfway to the man, it shattered just by the shadow man's glare...

Now I knew my time was done. A pushed away from the man's lap and quickly ran upstairs and out the open window.

That is one thing I must do better at, my aim. As I lept from the high window, I plumeted straight into a rusted and half full dumpster. "Lemons."

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