Chapter 26 Dead

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Rionar's tail was all that guided me through the pitch dark blackness of the separate, smaller tunnel that laid hidden in the entrance of the tomb.

Underneath the sound of our footsteps, there was a low angry hum that rang in tune. It was like a voice among ruins. A voice that drew you closer to it naturally.

"Rionae, what's that sound?"

Rionar turned around suspiciously. He stopped and waited for me to catch up to him. "What'd you call me?"

I looked back at my words, "Rionae."

"Why?" he asked with a slight grin and then grimace.

"Because I can."

His heavy amber eyes seemed to soften at my statement as if remembering something sweet.

Rionar continued down the narrow hall slower.

"Double doors again?"

Rionar sighed. "It has been a long walk though." Rionar placed a paw on the door and pushed forward.

As the doors screeched open, dust flew through the air like ash.

The air suddenly smelled of pure death.


My heart exploded as I scrambled forward.

Rionar's paw caught me and threw me forward into the tomb.

My vision whizzed by as I slid across a jagged ground into a heap of gold. I dashed over it and hid behind it.

I saw through a hole in the gold and watched the heavy tomb doors close. "Alex couldn't be in the tunnels. Rionar said he couldn't be in the tunnels...or the tomb."

I rose up from the gold and slowly crawled to the doors.

"He can't come in. He can't come in," I whispered to myself. I kept saying that as I got closer to the door

Alex's voice was loud and it only got louder as his voice echoed through the tomb. I coward as I watched the door silently.

Everything was quiet for a few seconds, but then I heard a loud roar that came from Rionar. After that everything went death quiet. I began to worry.

"So far."

I spun around and glared down the dark corridors of the tomb "Who's there!"

"Who's there" a higher male voice answered with a long chuckle. "A bird?"

There was a long pause between us, but I answered with boldness. "No..." I was so terrified. I could not see anything.

"A dog then?"

I tensed up as I saw slight movement far away. It was a swish of a shiny thing. "No."

" are the one who called me. What are you then?"

"Me? I'm a cat." I flicked my tail as the shiny object caught the light again.

"A cat? I hate cats. You were able to call me though. Just please tell me little kitty that you're not..."

I nearly had a heart attack as I saw a person step out of the shadows. I dashed away and hid behind another mound of gold.


I hissed as I observed the young man. "Who are you!"

He turned to me and bowed. "Who are you?"

I clawed the air, "I asked you first."

"I am dead and you are alive?" His voice changed and got deeper as his bright blue eyes focused on mine. "What do you want?"

"I don't know."

He huffed and turned back toward the darkness. "You couldn't have summoned me if you didn't want something. When you're ready find me." His lips curled into a smile and he dashed into the darkness of the tomb.

I stood up and put an ear to the tomb. "Rionae?" I clawed the stone door quietly for a response, but nothing came.

I turned back toward the tomb and began to walk.

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