Chapter 31 Coyote

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My eyes shot open and my heart began to pound furiously.

My breath shortened and I struggled for air in quick draws. Above me was a ceiling with a man hanging from it. He looked down at me with a horrid smile mixed with anger.

"Don't test me," he muttered grasping his neck with both hands. "You are limited on your chances here. Die again and-," the man suddenly fell on top of me and his piercing green eyes glared at me. "I'll kill your paused cat lives. Each time you take a fatal turn, you lose a life. To remind you, you only have 7 lives left."

"Who are you?" I quaked.

The man closed his eyes, "I am your last chance."

I blinked twice and my heart stopped pounding. My breath became normal again too. By then though, the green eyed man from the tomb was gone.

"What the hell have you done!"

My head turned towards the left and in the doorway stood a tall skinny man with abyss black eyes.

I sat up and stared at him. "Why are you here?"

"Do you realize what you've done!" He glared at me as he slowly got closer. "You've damned us all!"


"Yes, us!" He grabbed my hair and yanked me from the bed onto the floor. "You went in the tomb and out of all the others you choose to make a wish with Coyote! What the HELL!"

I clawed Alex's hand and sat up. "Coyote? What do you mean? He was the only one there."

Alex collapsed on the ground and held his head. "You have single handedly killed us all. Coyote doesn't grant your wishes without killing someone. He can kill your body and leave you in this alternate to wonder as a ghost. You messed up Erin."

"I wish..."

"Your wish was something I could have just told you!"

"No," I pressed my back against a bed and stood up. "You wouldn't."

Alex looked up at me and glared. "You're not leaving. You're not leaving until they destroy this city."

Destroy? They?

I looked back at the bed I was on and then the ceiling. "Coyote," I whispered.

Alex shot up and grabbed my shoulders. "I'm just protecting all of us!"

I kicked Alex and struggled to even move in his grasp.

A small spider in the corner of the room slid down from the ceiling on its silk and hovered above Alex.

I nodded and I was instantly launched through the room into the hallway. In my place near Alex stood a large spider the size of a car.

I spun around and held the wall as I made my way for the door. The light on the other side of it welcomed with open arms, but I hesitated and looked down. I still wore the terrible dress.

Sighing I turned back to look for some clothes. Humans had to wear clothes right?

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