New Account and stories

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My username is: BriStories97

And I actually may re-write Dimitri's Secret Desire. I was already planning on doing that, considering I never showed his cruel side. He was supposed to be distant and not fall in love so fast. And many more things will be fixed. I've been planning this for a while now, just never got to it. 

However, I am going to put Odysseus on there first. If Wattpad doesn't delete this account, then this account will just have my old stories on it and I'll continue writing on the new one. It will take me months to get all my stories onto the new one. 

I didn't realize how much work it is to do it and how little time I have with working and all. 

I would have to:

- Log onto this account, copy and paste each chapter into it's own word document. 

- Do this for every book

- Log onto my new account, create the book again, and then copy and paste each chapter back into the book. 

- While doing this, will have to open and close documents

- Break down in tears

- Curse out my computer

- Stuff my face with chocolate

- More tears

- And repeat the process. 

Dimitri series is 4 books...with many chapters.

Alaricas is many lot of chapters. 

And you know the others. 

Odysseus isn't much. And while writing that, I could start my other new story. The one about Odysseus' top female fighter, Christine. You know, her whole dramatic story, but we want the juicy details. 


Is that okay? As long as Wattpad doesn't delete this account? There's a high possibilty I wouldn't be able to get all my stories saved before Wattpad deletes. 

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